Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!
Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!
Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!
Those are so cute!
What a house of cats you have !!!
Very good!
What a toss up! It's either Stella with her tongue peeking out or Stella and the chair legs...we're leaning towards the tongue shot as our fave!
Gus is indeed HUGE. He's gonna be a bruiser!
Oh my goodness such wonderful pictures!!! Purrrr...
What fab pictures your kitties are all so beautiful! My guess is Stella with her tongue sticking out holding onto something that looks like a vacuum cleaner hose! What a face she has :-)
Those are all great pictures!
We like Stella an the chair legs best!
Gosh, those are such Most Adorable pictures! Um, and I kinda hates to ask, but what WAS Stella doing with that hose?
Wiggles & Wags,
Cute overload at your house every single day with so many gorgeous, precious babies!!...We think your favorite is the one with Stella's tongue out=she has that same sweet face like our Mommy Cat!...kitty kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh we love all those photos! We saw several of Stella that made us smile and chuckle! She's a cutie pie!
Well "Team House of Cats" is looking awesome today! And cute too!
what great pictures. Poor Lola looks a little fed up. How is see feeling today?
There's so many of Stella that are wonderful - I can't pick!!!! And Gus is adorable - look at his sweet face!! Aww but look at Stella (she's a beauty!!) and is that Kirzon too??
Lovely fun pics!!
Take care
So CUTE! All of them. But what is Stella nomming on?? The vacuum? It obviously isn't very yummy.
Lovely house for all wonderful cats : )
Everyday Cat Visitor
What purrrfect pictures!
Lu-Lu & Lucius
What is Stella doing with that hose? That must be the one to which you were referring. LOL! Or the one with her paws wrapped around the chair leg! Too cute!
We enjoyed all the pics!
Such beautiful pictures of your cats - all of them are so cute .
Oh, the babes are growing up! I am guessing you like the photo with Stella and the "pipe," where her tongue is out. I LOVE the scrunching photos of her. She looks so much like our Sadie in those photos. Gus is going to be a beee-you-tiful man cat!
Love the photos! They are all so great to look at. What a fun place to live at your house, there must be something going on all of the time!
When is your mom going to post Barney's mancat photos? Hope I didn't miss them. If I did I am going to bite the mom about that!!
Oh how cute, those are great pictures!
Oh wow, this is a close one... the vacuum hose serenade or the cuddle with the chair..... BOL! Either way they are ALL cute!
We're guessing the one of Stella with the pipe, too! Those are all great pictures.
All totally adorable!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxx
Oh we love them all!
hi kittehs~!! LOVED ALL THE PICS~!!!! :D
We love all the pics! Stella and Gus are growing so fast! We think the one of Stella with the hose is the funniest!
Thanks so much for stopping by Samson's birthday party! We loved your song!
It wouldn't be the one with Stella singing into the ... microphone, would it? :) Lovely photos. Now I've decided that Stella is a much prettier version of my Loli
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