And now, for my special repost. The other thing about today is that it would have been my mom's 70th birthday today (which seems crazy to me that she would be that age - she was 52 when she passed away). So this is a repost of the post I did 2 years ago, on what would have been her 68th birthday - it isn't long but it has a cute picture in it. See you all soon!!
So Today would have been my mom's 68th birthday. So I have been doing everything I can to stay busy today, to keep my mind off it. My mom loved animals - she had a dog named Misty (a Chihuahua)and when Misty died we got our cat Putter, who had babies, including Mog who we kept, and then we got a beagle, Benji. I wanted to post pictures of her with them (since this is generally a blog devoted to animal posts) but I could only find one of her with Misty - my dad spent most of his pitcure taking time on me I guess. i know there are others of her with Misty somewhere but I can't find them. There are pictures of her but there just aren't animals in them, in fact most of the animal pictures are just them, no people. Anyway in honor of my mom's birthday, here is a picture of her with Misty, in front of a snow-Misty she built. It was taken around December of 1969, which is the year my parents got married, and 2 years before I was born, so I am not in the picture. I wil be back to my regular cat blogs tomorrow, including an update on Barney's vet trip today.

Glad to see a post from you. Sounds like it hasn't been much fun around there - broken tooth, ouch!
Hope you're having lots of lovely memories of your mom to help you through the day.
Listen, if you ever feel the need for therapy, please come clean my kitchen :-) Hey, glad you got that tooth thing over, now for the good times right? Meow to the cats!
Golly, your mouth surgery sounds painful!! You poor thing!!! At least it's over now and hopefully the pain will go away asap!! Oh dear!
Great to hear about the kitties being very brave (even Lola even if she hides under the sofa - she's still super duper amazing!!! ) with all the storms! Hugs to them!!
Happy birthday to your mum - what a lovely woman and this is just a fabulous tribute to her! take care
Firstly I hope you feel better soon and that your mouth heals well. That is so not nice.The post for your mum is lovely and I know that no matter how long you will miss her.. See you soon.. Hugs GJ xx
Many purrs to you and I hope all gets back to at least semi-normal for you!
Glad to hear you are on the mend, Amy. Hopefully you're 100% real soon.
We loved your post about your mom. That snow-Misty is awesome! :)
Amy, that photo of your mom is just beautiful. I'm so sorry she died so young. (((((hugs))))
Sorry you've had tooth trouble too. Milo and Alfie are sending get well purrs for you.
Oh, and they are prepared to post some of their "poop" to your boss/place of work ~ you only have to say the word! LOL!
Love Jan xx
Always nice to take the time to remember our loved ones who have passed. Thinking good thoughts for you on this special day.
Hope the mouth feels better soon.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We hope you are feeling a bit better! We love the picture of yoor mom - Scott says his first dog was called Misty too! Oliver and Ruby x
Good to hear from you. Those wisdom teeth sure do hurt. I had 2 removed and I'm afraid to go back to do the other 2 now. :(
That was a very sweet post for your Mom... {hugs} to you, I know you miss her.
Hope you feel better soon (with your recent oral surgery). Glad the kitties are good and maybe those bad storms will stay away.
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