Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sorry we all disapeared.

I thought that last week was going to be a good week for visiting - boy was I wrong. It was a very crazy, very stressful week, ending on Friday with the dumb idiot in my office deciding that her cubicle was the appropriate place to spray on her perfume - it was so strong that I could literally taste it, and it made me very sick. Then Saturday I broke a tooth and luckily it doesn't hurt.  Honestly I just haven't gotten a lot of the visiting I hoped to get in, and that makes me sad. I came back to sad news of some of our friends running off to the bridge, and it just broke my heart. And honestly right now I can't even think of reading any more posts because I am just so sad from that news and everything else going on right now.

All the cats are doing good - and my tooth is ok for now. I see an oral surgeon about it tomorrow. I hope that this week will be better but since I have to take a partial day tomorrow I don't think there will be too much visiting. I love and miss all of you - and hope to do some Hugo searching soon.

Since I haven't had much chance to post either, I haven't got too many pictures, but I wanted to post a few I took over the weekend. I hope you like them!


White Dog Blog said...

Everyone looks adorable and comfy in the cool indoors! Sorry to hear about the tooth and work space boundary issues...I totally understand. the couple that sat in front of us at the Opera must have pulled their summer wear out of storage seconds before dressing, because they both reeked of mothballs....I felt like we were trapped in the back of someone's armoire!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww beautiful Stella with amazing Trixie is just so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! Barney is adorable and Gus is just so handsome!

It's awful when co-workers treat their office space as if they're at home! It's just rude!!

I hope your tooth doesn't hurt too much - take it easy and rest! Happy Hugo hunting! :-) Take care

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Thats actually funny. I hated perfume in the office and I really could taste it (metallic) an my first retired week in 2006, I lost a crown. Which hasn't bothered me since, BTW.

Hoping ya do good at the dentist visit! Im dodging it.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You have a lot going on there, no worries about visiting. Take care of that tooth. Mom says that was very rude of that lady to do with her perfume. Hope this is a better week for you.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Brian's Home Blog said...

Great pictures! I hope your ouchy toothy is doing lots better!

Rene said...

Oh, sorry to hear about your work and tooth. We are sending purrs to you. Tooth stuff stinks; we have been there many times. We love your happy kitty photos. Your cats always seem to be smiling in your photos. :-)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Perfume was one of the things I hated about work. I could walk into a meeting room and go into an asthma attach! Hope you are feeling better.

Princess Jasmine said...

Awwww, what a rough week you have had. We are hoping this week is much better for you. What beautiful pictures. I love the cuddling ones :)xx

meowmeowmans said...

Sorry you had such a stressful and overwhelming week. Hope things get better for you.

We do love those pictures, though ... especially the first three. :)

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I am sorry you had a bad week and hope this one will be much better. Those pictures are adorable especially the cuddly one's. Hugs GJ xx

Cindy said...

I hate perfume! I get headaches from it. Sorry about your tooth. Great pictures, though.

Sagira said...

Our office sends out notes about people not wearing perfumes just for that reason. Sorry your cowoker is inconsiderate. :(

Anakin Man said...

Our Momma is sensitive to perfumes too-
sorry about yous Momma's toofers also-

Cute pix of the kitties

IzZY, TriXie and Anakin Man


Sometimes when we read about our furfriends leaving for the Bridge it makes us too sad to leave comments too.All the pictures are so cute. WE pray that your dental won't be too bad for you. Today is Gracie's Gotcha!


caspersmom said...

What great pictures. All of you posed so nice. We haven't visited all that much either and we do miss it. Mom has been painting the skirting on the mobile home, so she has been busy. Sorry to hear your Mom had such a bad week last week. We do hope this one is better for her. Take care O.K.


Athena said...

I love those cuddling pictures!

Ellen Whyte said...

But at least your cats are well!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I'm so sorry that you are having a rough time. I had a really hard time visiting the CB after Sweet Praline went to the Bridge. However, I have two new furchildren coming to live with me in September. Come visit the new blog for some smiles.

I'm back blogging again. I've set up a new blog for my future furchildren. Please come by and visit me at http://sweetpurrfections.blogspot.com

Mom Paula and Angel Praline

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We want to thank you so, so much for coming by and saying such nice things on our blog. Jack's passing has been difficult, but with everyone's support, we are doing better every day. Baby definitely misses her companion of 15 years, but with special attention, she is pulling out of her grief.

Marilia said...

These photos are very beautiful!
Things happen ... I also walked away through the blogs.

Anonymous said...

Just do the best you can, Amy. We'll still be here when you post. Those kitty pictures are so sweet! Mama can't handle perfume either--especially vanilla. It actually makes her nauseous.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Boy oh boy did I pick the purfect day to visit. Pictures of your furries and the bestest of the best is my boyfriend, Barney. He is so dashing!!!!! More!!!!!
Sorry you had such a blah week last week. Think it must be from the hot hot summer we all are having.
The mom here isn't visiting much. I am thinking of taking some time off myself and let her wonder where I am at.
Love to all at your place!

Quill and Greyson said...

Hope things are better soon! It has been some sad days in the CB.

GRAÇA said...

Yesterday was day friend
You have a stamp on my blog for you
Ronrons of

pibble said...

Oh, the perfume thing - why do people have to bathe in the stuff? And so sorry to hear about your tooth. Good luck with the fix! Take care of yourself!

The Kitty Hugs pics are just precious!

Anonymous said...

We love the photos! Sorry you're not 100% at the moment. Love Oliver and Ruby x

Tia and Millie said...

Amy, I'm so sorry I haven't been by in forever to visit! These mousies are keeping me terribly busy. Just wanted you to know that we miss you! The human wore your bracelet when she went out yesterday. She loves it more than ever!

Tia and Millie said...

Amy, I'm so sorry I haven't been by in ages to visit you! These mousies are keeping me so, so busy that I've hardly got time to shout fro stinky goodness! Just wanted you to know that we miss you though. The human wore your bracelet out yesterday, and she loves it even more than ever, if such a thing is possible!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Well the kitties all look laid back and happy which makes us happy. We are so sorry abowt yoor toof too, and the work thingy ~ people can be so inconsiderate!


Hansel said...

wooo hooo photos!!!! we love that everyone is enjoying the indoors. We are as well.

Mom says, she def does not miss a lot of things about working. We are thinking of your mom and sending her good thoughts!