Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wordy Wednesday and More Videos!

So, today I decided would be a good day to post Brad's "essay" about Gus - he goes off into other things too, and well, I think it will show you that the crazy people I live with don't all have fur. After that there are a few more videos of the cats when we were playing with Da Bird. They are pretty short. Oh, and the other day a few of you mentioned how nice it is that they all play together and no one gets bopped - well, it isn't that sweet unfortunately. See, Virgil loves Da Bird so much, but Barney, Gus and Stella llike it a lot too. So when Virgil wants to play, because he is smaller, he can't really play too well, and he gets upset and leaves. So now, when I play with all of them, I also try to play again with just Virgil too. Since the kittens are still sleeping in the bedroom (and Barney likes to be in there too) with the door shut, I just put them up there like normal, and then go play with Virgil for a while so he gets his Da Bird time. The other three are fine playing together, and Virgil tries, he just doesn't ever seem to be able to get it with them around. I will try to get some Virgil only video soon. Kirzon has no interest in Da Bird, and in fact has been known to run off upstairs when it comes out. So you will never see him with it! I have some still photos of them playing too which I will put up in the next few days!

Anyway, here is Brad's essay - unedited (except he had ales instead of ails - I did fix that).

I have a rocks glass of whiskey and a laptop with fur on the motherboard. What you are going to get out of that is a story about some cats, the truth about Gus, and the reason that purple tastes so fantastic.
First, Gus takes care of Stella. If Stella is sleeping upstairs in the blankets when Amy makes dinner (Cat dinner), Gus runs up the stairs and returns a minute later with a blurry-eyed Stella. That story was longer in my head, and probably would be longer if I told it, but it still rocks out loud.
Now for the truth about Gus – he’s a German. Right after Stella and Gus moved in, I announced that Gus was a German. Amy took that statement just like my announcement that I am always taking my camera to Target whenever we go buy kitty litter incase a UFO shows up. Come on, that shot would be great, admit it. A big old UFO in day light with a bag of scoopable next to it for a size reference…. Anyway, Gus is German. Physically, Gus is orange, the cat fur version of blonde. That may seem like a coincidence but he is also muscular like an Alpine skier. Look at his furry little face and then look at the face of anyone who owns a Kraftwork CD – like brothers I tell you. Here is the true proof. Gus was standing in the middle of our sizable herd of cats when Amy called him for something. No response, but I searched my knowledge of the German language and called ‘Der Kommissar’. Gus looked right at me.
Finally, purple. Purple tastes great and it will fix what ails you. Take your average popsicle; in red it is a refreshing desert, in orange it is very refreshing, but in purple it both tastes great and makes you healthy. Also, say it. Purple. You’re welcome. Now say robber. Robber.
In conclusion, Gus is German.

And now for the videos


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet that Gus is so close to Stella! The rest of the essay, well, we'll just nod and smile, which we're sure you do all the time, Amy! MOL!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I totally understand about Gus being German. Kirby responds to English and Spanish!

SuziQCat said...

I can believe that Gus is German because our cat Pirate thinks he is Canadian. And a UFO with a box of litter...totally believable and a fantastic photo op!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You look great in pink and for such a good reason:)

Interesting essay there:) Loved the videos.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Cute videos!!!!!!!!!!!

Brad is quite the essayist!!!!!!!! :)

We loved hearing how Gus takes care of Stella....what a great brofur.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Gus is so sweet to take care of Stella

Sparkle said...

Wow, those two couldn't get enough of Da Bird! My human used to speak to the cat before me in Spanish (which is funny, because she actually only knows a few words) - since she had picked her up as a kitten from the streets of San Pedro, it seemed to suit her.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

This is when I want a brother or a sissie when I hear the stories of how you take care of each other. That is so sweet. But am wondering if it is hard to share? I cannot imagine having to share the mom's lap with someone else.
Loved the videos. I would like to request a long video of just my Sweet Barney.
ps: Sorry if I shocked you with the action photo of my tock.

Old Kitty said...

To Brad: Gus could be Austrian! And you will certainly kick yourself if you don't bring your camera to Target and a massive UFO turns up cos they've run out of purple stuff and need to get some more from the nearest planetary convenience store. That's my take on this anyway!

Awwwwwww Amy!! Stella and Gus are really going for the da bird! And I can see how Virgil is small compared to these kitties! Awww lovely Virgil!!! Big hugs to him!

Take care

Remington said...

LOVE the essay! In that last video Gus is quite the jumper....I think he and Ozabella must have the same jumping skills!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Loved the videos...and DaBird is a favorite of ours two...we've got some spares just in case we catch it too often!

Katnip Lounge said...

Mommy prefers the taste of green, actually...LOL!

We are amazed how big the kittens are...actually, more like teen-cats!

My Mind's Eye said...

LOL and MOL I don't know which is funnier Brad's essay or the kitties playing with De Bird....Madi had a Da Bird to with feathers...I think we might have buy an attachment like yours. I think all of your kitties have super duper charged springs in the feet. What great jumpers. Maybe one of them will win an NBA contract.
Madi and Mom

Anonymous said...

We're gonna have to come back later and watch the movies but just wanted to say that Mr. Brad is somewhat of a hoot! He had mom laughing right out loud. I bet it is never, ever dull around your house. Ever!

Oh, and we also think taking a camera to Target is a good idea. Lately there's been so many times when mom has wished for a camera but hasn't had one. But none of those times had anything to do with UFO's unfortunately.

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. I'm part German, you know.

Cat said...

I think Archie may be German too!

Beth said...

I like Brad's post! I do like purple too - he's right about the popsicle and same thing with Tootsie Pops - although I'm enjoying ORANGE (candy corn and mellow creme pumpkins) now!
You have a great house full of cats, Amy!

Angie, Catladyland said...

The essay is great! I am a fan of purple and Kraftwerk...and cats, of course.

The videos are so cute -- they sure do love that birdie!

Amy, I know you comment on my Katt Food blog, but I wasn't sure if you'd seen my main blog, Catladyland. It's more "me" and I update it daily. I'd love for you to stop by!


Marg said...

Those are great videos. Great essay from Brad. We liked all of it. Take care and have a great evening.

Sagira said...

Love when they "catch" it and walk so proud. :)

Neeko said...

Awww...such sweet, sweet videos of the Babes! They have sooo much fun playing with Da Bird :o)
Very pawsome of Gus to take good care of Stella ♥
The essay was amusing...:o)))

Neeko :o)

Danielle said...

MOL! I think it's so sweet that Gus watches out for Stella! I think I am Norweigian because if I had longer hair, I'd be almost exactly like the Norweigian Forest Cat in a book.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Birds! We lubs our fevver birds too.


BeadedTail said...

We always enjoy the videos! We also enjoyed Brad's essay and sure hope he has his camera when he spots that UFO at Target!

White Dog Blog said...

Thanks for helping get the Pink word out...the more voices, the greater the awareness about Breast Cancer! Gus is such a good brother to Stella...and it seems like EVERYONE loves the bird!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It is like watching khytty yo-yo's or bungy khats!


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We love the essay, and we love the videos and we love yoo all ... nuff said!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You guys sure get your exercise with that bird-thingy!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Brad's essay cracked me up. Clearly, Gus is German. There is no other explanation.

Stella said...

Ali Zophia watched all Da Bird videos and thought your cats are very fancy fliers!

She asked me to tell you that she plays with Rubber Bands which are generally no-nos for playtime. However she loves the way they smell AND the snap! when they go flying. She has been playing with them for 8 years and refuses to stop. Oh, and you never run out of them. So if you do as she does and NEVER swallow one, you can be a champion rubberband cat.

Meow, meow,
Ali Zophia
Champion Rubber Band Cat
2002-2010 (and on and on probably)