Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friends on Friday!

Hi Everyone! Welcome to our special Friday the 13th edition of Friends on Friday! I have always had good luck on Friday the 13th, so for me today is going to be interesting! And it should be interesting for you too, because today our Friday Friends post will be presented by two very special mancats - Barney and Virgil! Take it away boys - and no fighting - Virgil is first because he is older!

Ha! Hi everyone! It is me, the handsome young tuxie boy Virgil (not that Kirzon isn't handsome, he just isn't young MOL!)Today I want to talk to you about the most beautiful ladycat I have ever seen. It is the gorgeous ♥Danielle♥ from The Life of a Spoiled Cat, who is my lovely tuxie girlfriend (seriously if you see the pics of us together on valentines day, well, it will make you fall down from the cute!). Danielle is a beautiful tuxie girl from Wisconsin, and she lives with two rabbits - and she is really nice to them. She is also a bit naughty, which I find to be very exciting! She is a lucky girl, because she is allowed outside, and because she goes out she is very brave - she climbs up trees, and even has walked on ice in the winter! Her archnemisis (and therefore my archnemisis) is Mr. Chipmunk - a crafty critter who likes to mess with her - which is NOT COOL! He even sent some of his spies to our house, because he knows that she is my ladycat, and probably wanted to try and get to her through me - but that didn't happen! Anyway, mom is saying it is Barney's turn now - but I could talk about my beautiful Danielle for hours - which I think is why mom is telling me to finish up. So I guess I will just add that if you haven't met her yet you should - because she is awesome! Oh, and her blogoversary is coming up soon - which is cool because it is the same month as ours! Ok, now mom is poking me to get me to finish - so I guess here is Barney.

Hi everybody!! This is Barney, and I want to introduce you to the most beautiful ladycat that I have ever seen - see, Virgil and I have different taste (Danielle is a pretty ladycat and everything, but she is more Virgil's type then mine). So the ladycat I think is most beautiful is ♥Gracie♥ from Goodness Gracie. She is a gorgeous gray tabby girl from Indiana, and she actually has a job! Really a couple jobs! She is a repurrter for the Cat Blogosphere, she runs the auctions for The Furriends of the CB and she is also the shelter keeper at the Official VSquillion Shelter! Wow, that is a lot of stuff! Because she is so busy, she doesn't get the chance to blog everyday, but when she does it is always something great! She is a little bit older than me (like a couple months) but that is ok, because I am very mature for my age! She is super feisty, super sweet and super beautiful! And HER blogoversary is ALSO coming up soon, well in September which isn't too long. And she doesn't have an archnemisis, so well, I guess that I am pretty safe too. She picked her own forever home because she was a barncat and she decided that well, she wanted to be a house cat, so she went to hang out with some people who were there, and they because her mom and dad - yay! What a happy story! Well, ok, so mom is saying that I need to wrap it up, so I will just end by saying that Gracie is the bestest girlfriendcat, and you should all go visit her!!

Thanks boys, for those great introductions!! We hope that you enjoyed our Friday Friends today!

We will be busy this weekend with lots of cleaning at our house (mostly me of course) so if we don't get to do too much visiting, well, that is why! So we hope you all have a wonderful, fun, happy weekend, and we are sending lots of purrs and get well thoughts to all our sick friends out in the blogosphere!


Ellen Whyte said...

Interesting. We go in and out, and we've got squirrels too. You should come by and visit. Our road is a dead end street.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What great selekhtions!

They are two purry special girrrrrls!

Happy Friday The 13th!

Khyra and Khousin Merdie

Jacqueline said...

You handsome boys have some great girls; we love Danielle and Gracie, they are beautiful sweethearts!...Happy Friday sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Fanks for telling us abowt yor friends! Have a great weekend.

Extra kisses for Barney!

Old Kitty said...

Awww handsome Virgil - Danielle is adorable!! And such an adventurer too! You both make a cute pair and are so made for each other!! I think it's best to ignore adversity! Mr Chipmunk can tease all he wants but you only have eyes for each other! Awwww!

And adorable Barney!! Sweet Gracie is just lovely and very talented! She is a very busy ladycat with all her good works but I'm glad she has time to spend with you too. Awww she's a keeper and a looker!

Thank you for introducing me and Charlie to your special ladykitties Virgil and Barney! It was great meeting them!

Take care

Poppy Q said...

Have a lovely weekend, and I hope you get a cleaning break or two.

Julie and Poppy Q

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi Virgil! Hi Barney! What a great report today! You did a great job of introducing your furriends!

Brian's Home Blog said...

It is always nice to have such nice friends! Y'all have a wonderful weekend!

Mishkat said...

We're glad to learn more about your lovely girlfriends! And we hope today is very lucky for you - our mom says Friday the 13th is usually a good luck day for her too.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope you have a great weekend and don't get too carried away with the cleaning up. Please don't mention cleaning anywhere near our blog again in case our mum reads it and gets ideas!!

Forever Foster said...

What lovely things you boys have said about your girlfriends. We bet they will be smiling really big :)

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Awwwww, I think I am blushing underneath my grey fur. You say the nicest things about me. I am honored that you chose me, out of all of your friends, to be on your friends Friday posts. You are the bestest of the best boyfriend mancats ever! I am so glad that we found each other and I look forward to growing up with you. You got me thinking about my Gotcha day. I have many. The first was when I found the folks, who didn't know they would be my folks. Then after I had my surgery and had to stay in their house for 10 days, that was a major step. And then the most important one was when the dad made it official that I was to be an indoor cat. Wow! Which to celebrate. Well you know me pretty well and have guess that I celebrate all three!
Love you bunches.

Anonymous said...

You guys are great mancats to be so devoted to your ladies! We'll have to go visit them!

Katnip Lounge said...

Wow! Our Mommy has been busy this week so we haven't been visiting much...boy have we missed out!

We like the traveling hippo idea...it sounds like fun.

We'll go and visit your two friends...we haven't met them before!

Mommy wonders if Lola would like some feline company? Does she have a buddy or is she a loner?

mayziegal said...

Awwww...boys! You sure do luvs your girlfurendcats a whole, whole lots! Thank you very much for introducing us to them in such a terrific way!

And I wanted to say that I luvs the traveling hippo idea! He's so cute! Um, but he might not want to come to my house. Otherwise, I might be compelled to do stuffie surgery on him. What can I say? I'm very curious abouts the inside of stuffies.

Wiggles & Wags,

BeadedTail said...

You two boys have very purrty furiends! Happy Friday the 13th!

cats of wildcat woods said...

Your lovely ladycats sound fun and interesting! You lucky guys!!!!!

Danielle said...

*blushing* Oh, my sweet boy Virgil! Thank you for making me one of your Friends on Friday. I feel very honored! You're the best Mancat a lady could haave. And Gracie is also a great ladycat for Barney, too! She is very sweet.

My Mind's Eye said...

What a cute post!!!
You all have a great weekend
Madi and Mom

Marg said...

Thanks you two handsome gentlemen for telling us all about your lovely girl friends. We will have to go visit them. You certainly have good taste. We get to go outside too and have a wonderful time.

White Dog Blog said...

Thanks for sending us to visit these two special Lady Cats! You boys have good taste in women!


Those lady cats are indeed very special and beautiful! I can see why they captivated your hearts.

Happy Friday the 13th!



little princess Luna~ said...

ooooooh kittehs--but you know what?? you are my MOST FAVORITE BUNCH OF KITTEHS IN THE BLOG WORLD~!!!! :)

help your mum out now~! :D


caspersmom said...

Isn't it great to have ladycat friends?? I sure do love mine, Missy Blue Eyes. She is also one of the prettyist ladycat's I have seen and she suits me to a T. Hope you have as much fun with yours as I do with Missy. Hope you have a great weekend.


The Island Cats said...

Thanks for introducing us to Danielle! We went over and visited her. And we love Gracie!!! She is a great auctioneer!!

meowmeowmans said...

You boys sure have some PAWsome girlfriends! Thanks for sharing about them. :)

Oh, we gave you all an award, so please stop by to pick it up when you get a chance, okay?

Have a great weekend. We hope you have some fun between all that cleaning! ;)

Your pals at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It is allus fun ta read about yer Friends on Friday... Keep it up.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I always love meeting new furriends.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We love the bootiful lady cats, and you guys do have some bootiful lady cats!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

We iz gladz to hear abouts da nice furry frendz dats you haz.
& we agree, Friday da 13th iz furry lucky... & justee tinks abouts da black kittiez dats are havfun a reely good day!!!

Mack said...

Mom is really relieved she made it through Friday the 13th!

And I am a tuxedo dawg!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Hey sweet stuff, came over hoping to see new photos especially of you. What are we to do with our moms? Oh well, at least we know we are loved by them. Take care to all at your place.

Hansel said...

what wunnerful selecshuns! Hope yoo had wonnerful weekend!

Sagira said...

Thanks for sharing more friends with us. :)