If you look you can see how I had the dog treats mixed in with the cat stuff - but they got taken away as soon as I noticed. And they cats couldn't have cared less about them at the time - it wasn't until later that they went after them.
Oh, in once picture - the first one - Barney is actually playing with one of the older toys they have - it was made by the vet assistants daughter and is one of Lola's favorites (all the cats love it but Lola liking something is rare and so it makes it a big deal she likes it).
We didn't put the toys in their stockings this year because there is no way that they wsould have survived until morning. We just kind of put them out and told them Santa had left them all in the big box to make it easy for the kitties to see them all.
Update: Ok, I should have mentioned this - and they were noticed by Inigo Flufflebum and d'Artagnan Rumblepurr - the kitties did get some springs this year (and a new plague ratsie for Barney - he loves the tail and his old one is "missing" half somehow) because I wasn't sure if the little cats would like them or not. We had them years ago and the older 2 weren't impressed but since Alfie is a big fan (and apparently so are Inigo an d'Artagnan) we thought we would try them again. I knew we could always send them over to Alfie if the kitties didn't like them. Unfortunately for Alfie they did like the springs, so they are staying here. They actually got so crazy with one that it is stuck in the mesh on their tunnel.
SPRINGS!!!! And a PLAGUE RAT!!! OMC!! They must be so happy, you're a wonderful mummy!
Looks like you had a great Christmas!
Looks like you had a good Christmouse with lots of goodies. Actually mum is hoping that Mr Brett won't play well in the cold and lose to Da Bears! So I hopes Da Bears do show up!
You got lots of pawsome presents! You're gonna have to rest after playing with all your loot!
Wow! You all got lots of stuff!! We gotta get some of those springs!!!
What lucky kitties! They made out like bandits! Looks like everyone got a NIP cane... Pimp and Moo got one, too!
Look at all those pawsome toys!! The springs are loads of fun! We got some from Baby Patches store!
Santa Claus brought many gifts for you!
Hot 'Cats'...
That sounds YUMMY!
I, for one, believe that anything our beans give us with love is the best.
Holy mackeral! Look at all those toys! Springs and the nip nanner are our favorites! Have fun!
It looks like a Cat Party at your house!!! Well, it definately was a Fabulous Christmas for your kitties this year! That's for sure!!!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too!
Ummmm, Amy, I don't think your furbabes suffered from a lack of presents!! LOL! What fun!!!
Wow, that looks like a HUGE pile of loot to dive into! You are some very lucky kitties.
WOW! So when I come over to visit yoo all, I'll be able to play wiv the springs! Fabulous!
Alfie Marshall xx
Smoochies from Milo xx
You kitties must have had a wonderful Christmas! Look at all those great presents!
One word comes to mind...jackpot! I am so glad y'all had such a good Christmas!!!
I can tell you right now that if all you had to offer those cats at Christmas was a warm home and love they would have been thrilled. That's all any of us need, you know, a place to stay and some love...
Wonderful pictures and what fun y'all had. xxxxxxxx
I just love that banana!
Uau, so many presents... Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.
Happy New Year. I hope you have a great 2010.
Feline kisses from Gotchi
It looks like Santa was very good to you. I got a 'nip 'nana too.
I'm sure they all had great fun with their new stash, but all they really want in your time and affection...purrs.
~Lisa Co9T
Looks like kitties had a great Christmas. I saw the hot dogs in the package. My kitties also like those.
OMC! Dis what I was waiting for and its already been weeks...I am so bad but I glad I founds it.
Yay! Pictures of all your pawsome toys and treats you gots from da store, we hopes you all luvs everyfing!
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