Thanks to Ann from Zoolatry for the pictures!!
Hi Everyone! Wow, I can't believe we have been blogging for three years!! I had started a couple blogs in the past and kept up with them for oh, a week or two, and then just got bored or busy and stopped. But this was different - first, it was about the cats. So there was always something to write about (even if it was just hey, everyone is the same and doing good), and that was really helpful. Second, well, I met all my wonderful friends - I never thought I would have more then a couple people checking out the blog - see, let me explain how it started. As you know, Virgil's gotcha day is August 2. When I took him home, Kelly had asked that I send pictures so she could watch him growing up, because she had considered taking him too. But then I thought hey, why don't I start a blog, so I can post pictures of Virgil and the rest of the cats too, and that way I can write about what is going on too. So that is how House of Cats started. I had a hard time thinking up a good name - and there actually was already a blog with House of Cats as the url in blogger (which is why I am actually but I thought hey, it is a perfect name so I am using it anyway. I came up with our first header:

It was a black background because for some reason I could never get any other colors to match, even using the right html codes.
For a long time we didn't really have visitors - then one day I submitted a picture of Virgil to a website for cute kittens, and that started everything. Eventually we found the cat blogosphere and from there we met all our wonderful kitty and doggie friends!! Some have quit blogging, some are very new to blogging, and we don't get to post as much here or visit like we used to (and like we want to) but we are still so glad that we met all of you! There have been sad times, and happy times and it has been great to have found so many like-minded people, kitties and doggies out there to share them with - you really all have been just so wonderful - I wish I could have a big party and have all of us get together in person! But blog parties are the next best thing!!
So, let me see, for those of you who haven't been around from the start (or since the last blogoversary), here are links to our first two posts - the first was pictures only, and the second was introducing the kitties
Our First Post
Our Second Post
And for pictures I decided to find one of each cat from our previous posts that I really like to post here - some you may have seen before (many times on some because I really like them) and some maybe not. So, I hope you like them.
Oh, before we go I wanted to mention that our friend Milo and Alfie from The Cat's Meow have their 3rd blogoversary today too (what a funny coincidence) so be sure to go by and say hi if you get the chance!
Ok, here are the pictures of each kitty i wanted to post - enjoy! We will see you tomorrow for World Cat Day!!
Happy blogaversary everyone! I'm happy you started blogging so we could be friends.
Happy 3rd Blogoversary! Cheers!
Great shots by the way.
Cassy from Beginner Guitar Chords
Happy Blogerversary to our sweet buddies! We LOVE reading your blog!
Thank you for mentioning ours too!
Love from Milo and Alfie xx
Happy 3rd Blogoversary!!!!!
And many many more to come !!!!
Happy Purrs for you all
Happy 3rd Blogoversary to you all! Extra treats all round--we hope. :-)
Happy Blogoversary gang!!!
We are here to say Happy 3rd Blogoversary - we are so glad we joined the CB or we wouldn't have had a chance to get to know you and all the other CB cats. We're looking forward to seeing you again in your 4th year.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Happy Blogoversary, dear friends! We are very thankful for you. Here's to many, many more blogoversaries. :)
Yeah, I am 1st to wish you a Happy Blogoversary! Three years is quite an accomplishment in our busy world.
I am going to spend some time reading your 1st posts. I hope you have a great day!
Happy happy happy Blogorverary!!! Awwww!!
Me and Charlie are so glad you started to blog about your kitties and happy to hear that it was Virgil who set you on the path to House of Cats when he was so itty bitty!!
The link to your first post is broken but that's ok cos the link to the second is just fine!! It's lovely to read about Floyd again too! He was truly a unique and beautiful kitty!!
Hugs to Virgil, Lola, Trixie, Gus, Stella, Barney, Kirzon and angel Floyd!! Take care
A gigantic third blogoversary to all of you. We sure are glad you started blogging and we enjoy all your kitties a lot. It is fun to watch them grow up. Those are super pictures. Hope all of you have one heck of a day.
Happy Blogoversary! We're glad you started blogging or we would never have met all of you.
Congratulations on your blogoversary!!! How cool to see your first blogs too! Such sweet kitties you have, too cute!
I am sooo honored to be the first (I think!) to wish you a HAPPY, HAPPY THIRD BLOGOVERSARY!!! Here is to many, many more!
I don't know if it is just me, but I couldn't access your first blog post from the link. It might be me or blogger acting up.
Your babies are magnificent, so is your heart! We are glad to have met you this past year!
Congratulations on the third anniversary of the blog!
The coolest of all this are the bonds of friendship that are created from the sharing of photos, facts and everything that comes to our cats, dogs, animals in general.
Congratulations again!
Happy blogerversary! We are glad to have met you!
Happy Happy Blogversary to all of you. I'm so glad that you are on the internet and for 3 years... Wow... Congratulations. Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
Happy Third Blogaversary - we always enjoy our visits to see what is happening at your House of Cats:)
Woos, The OP Pack
Happy Blogaversary, Amy and kitties. I'm so glad you're here because we love seeing you. Kisses to all and keep blogging. We loves you.
All the pictures were wonderful, but we just love the one of Stella. Happy Bloversary!
Happy 3rd Blogoversary! We're happy you found the cat blogosphere and continued to blog so we can see all your adorable faces!
Happy 3rd Blogiversary! We loved seeing the pictures of ALL you kitties...
Happy blogoversary! It's good to see efurrybody today!
Happy Third Blogoversary! You have a great blog, keep up the good work!
Happy Blogoversary to all of you.
Amy and the House of Cats!
A very big happy blogoversary!
3 years is a long time to blog and we have really enjoyed reading and getting to know all of you. Here's to 3 more and 3 more and 3 more!
Happy third blogoversary!!!
Happy 3rd Blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary! Our 3rd one is coming up next month so you started just a little bit before we did.
Purrs to you on this special occasion!
Happy 3rd Blogoversary efurrybody!
Luf, Us
Happy Third Blogoversary to The House of Catz! We are proud to call you all friends.
Ali Zophia (Zkhat), Stella and Jo
Happy blogaversary kitties! And survunt, of course :-)
Happy Blogoversary!!!
Happy Blogoversary House of Cats and many, many, many moooore!!! We remembered when you all started blogging, too!! We are so glad to call you furiends.!!
Your HOT & DRY TX furiends,
PS: Samantha says she will introduce Trixie to the Tuxedo gang Hideout this Tuesday!!
Happy Blogoversary! I'm sure there will be many more to celebrate!
Happy blogoversary and here's to many more!
Happy happy blogoversary!! We love that picture of Virgil a lot! :) Thank you for purring for Fui :)
Happy blogoversary to you! We couldn't see the link to the first post. :-( But we love the photo of Barney in the bowl, hee hee.
Happy Belated Blogaversary! May we have the pleasure and delight of sharing your adventures for another 60 years! We want to thank you for the unique voice and special insights that you add to our blogging community...we would be less without you!
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