Your current account (gmail email address was in here - would prefer not to have that just out there for bots to find) does not have access to view this page.
So even if I want to comment now blogger isn't letting me - very rude. I have been able to use other options (mainly entering name and url) when possible but it won't even let me use openid or wordpress login. I am really wishing that Google woudl stop adding new stuff to their offerings when they can't even get the stuff they have working correctly. I think they are too diversified to be honest.
Anyway, this was supposed to be my world cat day post - but I am super crabby now between work and bogger being dumb, so I am going to repost the pictures I had in our blogoversary post - because honestly it sounds like there are a lot of people having problems with posting pictures too from the help forum - and I know I can copy and paste the links and they will work. Plus they really are perfect for World Cat Day because they are some of my favorites - one of each cat. And if you missed them yesterday you get to see them today instead - so I hope you like them!!
Hi friends! I hope your World Cat Day have a great time!!!
Don´t worry about the blogger... have problems to post and then he gives back to work. I'll be hoping to pass this bad phase.
Ugh, I hate it when Blogger has problems!
PS, we are having a contest giveaway of a bag of natural pet food. Today is the last day to enter!
So sorry you had problems posting. I did seven days of posting in advance because I'm out of town. I hope you can visit tomorrow.
I had a memory post for Sweet Praline today that I hope you can visit at her blog.
Mom Paula
Those are all such precious photos of the gang. Congrats to Gus for being this year's mascot for World Cat Day! He is a purr-fect choice! Happy Blogoversary to you!
Oh golly! Blogger has been such a pain these past months and this has been the latest glitch - I get this error message (the first time was quite scary!) then now I just ignore it and start again - oh but it's silly and time wasting! LOL!
Awwww but great to see adorable Lola, Kirzon, Barney, Virgil, Gus, Stella, Trixie and angel Floyd again!! Happy World Cat Day! take care
Beautiful pictures all! Those blogger boogers are dreadful!
I love all your picts, but that one of Virgil makes me smile.
As for blogger, I've found it is less and less reliable in IE, but I almost never have a problem in FireFox.
Oh dear we hope that those problems with blogger ease up and disappear. We love the pictures.
Bad Blogger! What cute photos. :)
Sorry for the Blogger issues! I hope you all had a great World Cat Day.
Nubbin wiggles,
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