Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Behind again!

Hi Everyone. Well we are behind again. Work is awful (they took away our paid sick time, and on top of that if we do need to take sick time - unpaid - we will now be punished with what I can only call a demerit system. And you will get demerits if you need to leave early for a doctors appointment or something, even if you make up the time by skiping lunch and still work a full 8 hour day - it is considered an absence if you do that). And we have people in from corporate right now so that is stressful and visiting is tough - I am checking on some of the sicker CB kitties when I can. Oh, and blogger is still acting up so it takes longer to comment too - gotta love it (I have a post in the help forum but they really need a better way to contact them for support if you ask me). Anyway I will try to get by when I can - if blogger lets me that is!! It stinks too, because I have looked around at other blog sites and just don't find the features that blogger has - it really makes me sad there are problems all the time.

Anyway, I will have more pictures tomorrow, including a picture of a pendant I made for a friend of mine at work. Kirzon is going for his annual checkup Saturday, and it is good because he seems super skinny right now - like all of a sudden too, so I am glad we are going in on Saturday. But I will have a post before that. Sorry to ramble about work but it is really frustrating me right now. At least the kitties understand and are super snuggly most of the time when I get home!


White Dog Blog said...

Amy, we are here to share your adventures good and not so good, please feel free to get your work frustrations off your chest...it will make you feel better...and the kitties, too, because you will be less stressed. Your furbabies are all dears and we care so about you all.

Old Kitty said...

Oh Amy! There are LAWS against such draconian employment practices. My blood is boiling at what I can only see as blatant disregard of your employee rights. I cannot believe US employment laws are that different from European ones. I am so so so sorry.

Please hang on in there and I do hope something good comes up for you so you can leave this awful awful place!

Yay for your sweet kitties!!

Take care

Anonymous said...

Geez--that sucks! And we send purrs to Kirzon; we hope it isn't anything serious!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Amy, we know firsthand what a bummer life can be.....hang in there, sweetie, we are purraying that things will get better for you.

We love y'all very, very, very much.

Rene said...

Wow, "demerits" for having a doctor appointment? It's like they are treating you like you're in grade school. We hope Kirzon's appointment goes ok.

Remington said...

Don't worry about any of us -- we will all be here when you aren't so busy....work can do that to people....take care, my friend. Ozabella sends a big hug to Gustin!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

The mom speaks: I hate your place of work, almost as much as you do. they seem so unreasonable and unfair. It's as if they are living in the dark ages! Is their a suggestion box at work where you can leave anonymous suggestions or feedback? If not maybe you should send them n anonymous letter (make sure they can't identify you though) giving them some constructive feedback. Meanwhile, keep looking for another job. xxx

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope things calm down for you soon! Hey, don't worry about being behind, we're just always happy to hear that y'all are okay!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Sorry work is so awful for you and dont worry about thye visiting as we do understand.. Hugs GJ xx

Robyn said...

Oh Amy, work sounds awful! I hope things smooth out soon. We're thinking of you all with lots of love. Kisses to Kirzon!

Marilia said...

Hello! We will be hoping the visit to the vet to be quiet and everything goes okay!
Kisses and hugs

meowmeowmans said...

Sorry to hear things at work aren't good, Amy. But we are glad the cats are there to take care of you when you get home. Big purrs and prayers for you and Kirzon...


Sorry that work is bad right now. WE will purr and hope that things change for the better.


pibble said...

Wat a minute... Aren't there laws about these things - to protect you? I don't think an employer can punish an employee for taking time to visit a doctor. You might not get paid for sick time, but punished?! NO WAY!!

GRAÇA said...

I have been very sad because I'm visiting my namogadinho passed the bridge of the rainbow and is now a star, my star ....
Thank you for your kind words
Good weekend and the ronrons

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those are some very MEAN people you werk for, Amy! We wish we could go bite their ankles ta send THEM ta the DR with unpaid leave an demerits...

caspersmom said...

We are so sorry Amy for what they are doing to you at work. Things are just going out of whack for so many people. Purrs and Prayers that things will work out for you. Blogger is still acting up for Mom now and then too. Wish they wouldn't keep messing around with it.

Casper, Cleo and Mom

Deborah said...

Yikes, your bosses certainly won't win the niceness badge!
Try to have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your workplace. s for the blog - Scott moved from Blogger to Wordpress years ago now and loves it. It's very easy to transfer all of your posts and pics too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy..its been a while since our last visit. I've been getting my floors done.
Sorry you been having a hard time at work. Sounds like AT&T. They give my husband a really hard time. Can't wait till he retires in 4 years.
I sure hope Kirzon is ok. Gives us an update.
Good to see the kittie's pictures.
Hope you have a better week this week at work.

Ellen Whyte said...

Is it legal to punish people for being ill? Weird! Even Malaysia isn't like that,and we're a developing country.