Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Friends on Friday!

Hi Everyone! Welcome to our Friends on Friday post! Today I am doing it a bit different, because we are only doing one friends blog, and we have pictures too. Our Friday Friends this week are Jake and Fergie from Two Special Wires. Jake and Fergie are both rescued Wire Fox Terriers, and they live with their mom out west in the mountains. They had really crummy lives before they went to live with their mom and "Their Girl" (their mom's daughter) but now they have wonderful, loving happy lives. Their posts are always so wonderful and touching and I just love to read them. Jake is the younger of the two, but he has lived with their mom longer, and Fergie, well she is learning from them that life can be filled with love, and she has made a lot of progress - even though we started to follow their blog a while after they started it, well, she has made a ton of progress and every time I read about something she learned (like the first time she played with a toy) I smile. So, if you haven't met them, be sure to stop by. They will really touch your heart.

So, now for the pictures. See, Jake, Fergie and their mom and Their Girl took a trip this summer, and they were passing through our area. I had hoped to be able to meet them but unfortunately the timing didn't work out and we didn't meet up (though I am convinced it will happen some day). So, their mom emailed me and said she had some things to send us - and they came the other day! So I thought it would be fun to show what they sent!

Here is the package (on top of the boogie mat) - hm, wonder what it could be?

It was a package inside a package - Barney and Gus decided to investigate

Yep, it is for us!

See all the little packages - they are clear stones with a picture of each kitty - they even made one for sweet Floyd. Again, they had to be investigated.

And Jake and Fergie Floof!

Oh, and French for Cats - Ooh la la! I hope they learn it better than they have learned English (or at least better than they have learned "get down" and "don't do that")

Here is a close up of one of the stones (it is still in the package because Brad was at a board meeting when we opened the parcel, and I wanted him to see them - they are shiny so tough to get a good picture of because of the flash)

And of course, the bag it all came in proved to be very entertaining too - Stella loved chewing on the handles!

So, we wanted to send a HUGE thank you to Jake and Fergie and their mom and Their Girl - it was so sweet of them to think of us and make those stones with all the pictures. I really adore them and plan to put them someplace very special (or carry them with me - I haven't decided yet because I kind of like the idea of always having the kitties with me, but I also want them to be somewhere safe!) We just adore all of you and these are all so special for us!

Well, that is all for today - don't forget that Meow Like a Pirate Day is on Sunday - we will be doing a special post that day! And oh, I am getting more caught up with visiting so hopefully if I haven't been by yet I will make it over today (I am going alphabetically and the second half of the alphabet seems to have a lot more blogs that I follow than the first half - and the first half took most of yesterday!)

Have a great weekend!


Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh what a lovely package to receive with the kitty pictures on the stones. Delightful.

BeadedTail said...

What a thoughtful gift! It's too bad you couldn't meet up with Jake and Fergie in purrson but it's nice you can sniff their floof! We saw their visit with Khyra too.

Mishkat said...

That is such a wonderful and considerate gift! We like that they sent floof too - we've never thought of that!

Ingrid said...

That sounds like Christmas ! The book "french for cats" must be very funny ! Kim and Pookie had to learn to meow in French when they arrived from London ! I don't know if Arthur and Rosie learned English from them;

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What an exciting package you got!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Chers amis! Bonjour!

We were tail waggin' happy to know you received our little gifts and it started our day off really nicely to read your sweet post.

We wrote something sorta related to you on our bloggie today. You were purrfect inspiration!

Have a grrreat weekend, good friends.

Jake and Fergi xxoo

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous package you all got from your woofie furriends! The stones are really neat too! And woofie floof?!? Kool!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That was a very nice package you received - and such a nice post you made for Jake and Fergie and their family. Thanks for sharing.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Marg said...

Those look like some great friends to go meet. We can't wait. What a great package of presents. What a great idea to send some furs. Hope all of you have a wonderful week end.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Looks like you will have a busy weekend sorting out all of your goodies!!!

Old Kitty said...

Oh WOW!!!! What unique and amazing pressies!! That's really really sweet! Yay for Jake and Fergie and mum - great friends for friday!!!! Lovely!

French for Cats sounds so funny - by Henry Beard! LOL!

Take care

Sweet Purrfections said...

What a lovely and thoughtful gift!

My Mind's Eye said...

What a thoughtful package full very special presents. The kitties are really interested.

Happy Friday,
Madi and Mom

Sagira said...

Thanks for sharing more friends with us.

How cool, presents for you! :)

White Dog Blog said...

Jake and Fergie and their family are simply the Best! Such caring and sharing hearts who wrie with wit and wisdom! I am so glad you featured them. Their gifts were wonderfully special.


That was fabulous!
Your friends are great and we hope you get to meet them someday.


Cara n Crew said...

What a cool package! The picture rocks are beautiful - what a wonderful and unique gift. We'll stop by and say hi to Jake and Fergie. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

The Island Cats said...

What a nice package you got!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How purry purry khool!

It was sooooo pawesome to meet them - the stones were so inkhredible!

Khousin Merdie got one too and loves hers!


Katnip Lounge said...

Those stones are great! We love parcels...usually there's a good box or bag involved.

Daily Dose of Dogs (aka Cats with your Coffee) said...

Happy weekend to you. Aren't packages fun? I went to meet Jake and Fergie, and I've decided they would make the perfect home for one of the kitties we want to get placed. It's obvious Jake needs a kitty of his own. :-)

Cory Clark said...

Wonderful presents - we especially like the little stones with the kitties pictures in them!! How thoughtful!!

We are struggling to get caught up on our blogs, too! It seems our secretary had to run errands yesterday evening & all of today - we think she needs to get her priorities straight!!

~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)

ps. Thanks so much for the purrs for Simon - he is feeling MUCH better now!!