Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friends on Friday

Welcome to this weeks Friends on Friday post! Before I get started, I wanted to mention that tomorrow is our big Second Blogoversary post! And then on August 8 it is World Cat Day! On August 9 I have a special non-cat post for my parents anniversary, and at some point in there I will also be posting about this weekends vet visit for Kirzon, Gus and Lola and talking about a fun thing we are going to do!! Ok, so now, here are our friends for this week!!

Our first Friday Friends are Scarlett and Melly from
The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly! They started blogging back in April, when Melly first moved in to her new home. Melly was one of the kittens who was on Pitter Pats of Baby Cats as a foster - and her new mom was awesome enough to start a blog so we could all keep up with her! Scarlett is her older sister who, after eight years of being an only kitty, is starting to learn to accept her new little sister.

So, since we picked two sisters for our first friends, we decided to pick two brothers for our second friends - they are Milo and Alfie from The Cats Meow! Milo and Alfie are two adorable brothers from Sidmouth, UK, and boy they are so much like Virgil and Barney - they are like the proper English version (except they are allowed to go outside with harnesses). Alfie is a gardner cat and a very good one, and Milo is his older brothercat, who helps in the garden and protects it from introoders, and also is great at giving Alfie the business (geez, I think I watched too many Leave it to Beaver reruns as a kid to get that one). I know most of you probably already know them, but if you don't then be sure to go visit - we just adore them so much!! And heck, we consider them to be next in line at the Naughty Kitty Club - they have been there from the very begining!!

So, we hope you get a chance to visit our Friday Friends - next week we will be doing a very special post, with two very special ladycats (you know who you are!!)

Have a great weekend!!


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Thank yoo so much for including us in Friends Friday. We are thrilled. It's awesome to have friends like yoo. We LOVE yoo all.

Milo and Alfie xx

Jacqueline said...

It sounds like you've got a busy weekend; hope the vet visit goes well...We love Milo and Alfie!...Happy Friday friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Anonymous said...

Yay for Milo and Alfie! They're our friends too. We don't know Scarlett and Melly though. . . have to stop by and say hello. . .

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Yeaaaaa!! Congrats on your upcoming blogoversery my friends!! We're very happy to have found you.

SeaThreePeeO said...

We shall be going over to Scarlett and Melly's blog to say hello!

Kea said...

We've been following Milo and Alfie for quite some time, but Scarlett and Melly are new to us. We just went to say hello and are now following them!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Very cool friends, and it looks like Scarlett and Melly are finally getting along!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We didn't know Scarlett and Melly - we will go over and say hello.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Have some fun along the way this weekend. xxxxxxxxxxx

Angel Simba said...

Thanks for introducing us to Scarlett and Melly. We know Milo and Alfie and like their blog a lot! We will go and check out Scarlett and Melly's blog now.

Chez Cat said...

Those are cool friends--we'll have to stop by and say hello!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Thank you for including us in your Friends on Friday!

Have a lovely weekend :)

Katnip Lounge said...

We love both your Friday Friends choices!

How is Lola doing? Better? May Ling is curious...and you know Cats!


Wow what a week ahead you guys have planned! We have never met Scarlett and Melly, so we will have to go and introduce ourselves....

Happy weekend!



BeadedTail said...

We're furiends with Milo and Alfie too! They are both adorable boys and we love them furry much! We don't know Scarlett and Melly but we'll go visit them too!

Anonymous said...

We LOVE Milo and Alfie and we will go visit your other furriends!

Ingrid said...

The watch cat here is Arthur ! he sits in front of the house and looks who is walking by !

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You will be having a Second Blogoversary! Cool!!! Congratulations!! It is great to meet your friends!

Marg said...

We certainly will go visit the new friends. We love meeting new people. We also hope that the vet visit goes well for everyone.

Cat said...

Milo and Alfie are wonderful boys, but I don't know Melly and Scarlet...heading right over to say hello!

White Dog Blog said...

We always look forward to Friends Friday because you introduce us to such wonderful bloggers and their families! Hope the vet visit goes well this weekend...and just in case we don't get by...Happy 2nd Blogaversary! May you have 100,000 more posts that are filled with good news, sharing and caring, life adventures, and joy! Having you as a part of this community adds a special sparkle!

the booker man said...

thankies for introducing us to your friday friendz! oh, and happy almost 2nd blogiversary!!
happy weekend!
the booker man

meowmeowmans said...

We hope the vet visit goes well.

Thanks for sharing with us about your friends. We are already pals with Milo and Alfie -- aren't they great? We don't know Scarlett and Melly, though, so we'll go and introduce oursleves. :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the introductions and I'm looking forward to the vet visit posts :)