Hi Everyone! This is Barney! Mom is letting me post because she was busy this weekend. I got some awesome pictures from
Gracie, who is having troubles of her own with her blog. First, I have a story. So mom was busy all weekend working on the Naughty Kitty Club Scavenger hunt, and on Sunday she took a break, and went up stairs for a few minutes. I, of course, followed because it is my job. So on her way back down, she decided to carry me (because sometimes I will stay up there and sleep) and while we were going down the stairs, we reached my favorite part (there are star lights that run across one part I like to play with) and right as we got there mom slipped on the stupid stairs and fell. Luckily for me I was not hurt but mom was - not bad because she kind of caught herself, but enough that she has been achy since. She told me she was more worried about me not getting hurt then anything else when she fell. She made sure to gently drop me as she went. What a good mom to think of me first. I stayed by her the rest of the night to take care of her. Dad was not home at the time - he had run out to do an errand, and that is when it happened. She went to work today but is very achy. But my mom is my hero for saving me!
Anyway, I also wanted to post the pictures I got from Gracie - they are awesome pictures that were done by Ollie from
Cat Naps in Italy. I totally love them -- it was so sweet of Gracie to get them for me - she is a wonderful, beautiful girl (she is my girl, even though our mom's think we need to wait to date). Gracie is having a lot of blog problems so if any of you out there can help her out that would be great - mom doesn't know enough to help her with this one.
Anyway, here are the pictures:

Check out how cool they are - they are even signed!
Anway, I guess that is all I have for now. Now that mom is all caught up with the NKC stuff she should be better about visiting and posting!
Talk to you later!!
Gosh I hope Mom is all right. Glad she didn't get hurt too badly. And that she was able to save you. She is probably going to be sore for a little while.
Oh, when you started talking about stairs, I knew it was going to be bad. I'm soooo glad the both of you are okay. I bet your mom has some black and blues!
~Lisa Co9T
I'm so glad the two of you are alright.
I'm glad that you are okay and hope that your mom didn't hurt herself!
Oh noes! Sending healing vibes to your mom. Hope her aches go away soon! We have lots of stairs at our house and our mom falls frequently. She can be a bit clumsy, LOL.
The portrait is just lovely!
great pictures!
We are glad you are both okay too! I love the portrait!!!
OMG! Glad to hear that you're both okay! We love the portrait too!
Amy we are sorry to read that you fell. Rest that achy body and don't overdo things until you feel better.
Thanks for you kind comments. I'm gradually getting back into crocheting. My previous cat was always in my lap so crocheting was difficult. I'm glad I took advantage of his lap sitting because Madi is not a lap cat at all.
Madi and Mom
WE hope Mom gets some rest and is not as achy tonight! Love the pictures!
Ollie's picture is awesome!
Sorry to hear about your mom's fall. We hope all the aches are gone soon!
Barney we love your portrait by Ollie...We are glad your Mom is ok...Hope you guys have a good week...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
That picture is wonderful!
Glad your mom wasn't hurt.
Oh my dear sweet Barney, I was so upset to hear that you took a fall with your mom and also sorry to hear that your mommie got hurt in the fall. She sounds like my mom in making sure you were safe first then to worry about herself. I hope she isn't too hurting tonight.
I love so much your Vpurrtrait by Ollie. Please tell your friends that if they want one they can have one for a little donation. the information is over at the auction place. Ollie does a great job. These would be purrrfect gifts for Valentine's day loved ones, or one for the moms of the house, or to remember a love one that has gong to the bridge. Just a little $3.00 donation but of course we will take more. The money will go towards Fiona's vet bills.
I will have a new post tomorrow. The mom went on the old computer and the blogger monster let her upload on that one. The dad is going to check things out for me. I have given him the note you sent me. Hope this will do the trick. YSG
its no fun when our mommish are sicky or hurt . we just went rhrough that this weekend as well.
just snuggle with her and give her lots of sugar and that seems to help the hoomans. she is such a kind mommy to think of you first.
we are sending her all our pibble feel better vibes her way
wiggles and pittie sugars
the houston pittie pack
Oh, dear!!!!!!!!! We are happy you weren't hurt, but we are worried about your mom.....we will be purring that her aches and pains leave soon. Love the portraits. xxxxxxxxxx
We hope your mom is all right! We agree that it was nice of her to think about you first, but we hope everything is OK.
Lots of purrs -
Franklin, Dobby, and Tasha
Oh no! We hope that mom is okiedokie and we'll be purring that nothing is wrong!
You're a very sweet boy to stick by her when she was feeling achy!
So glad to hear you are both okay too! The portrait looks very lovely.
We're so sorry that your Mom got hurted! Our Mom fell backwards over Tristan's pet gate, and hurted her back real bad. Mom's have to be careful!
Oh no!!! Healing purrs to your human, we're glad you were not hurt too!
We hope your mom is feeling better -
That must have been skhary fur her!
We hope your Mom feels better soon! And we're happy that you're okay too!
Those steps can be nasty. We have TONS of them here in the townhouse. I'm relieved your mom wasn't seriously hurt... but that's too bad she's sore. She IS a supermom for watching for you. Nice job taking care of her.
... your portraits are wonderful!!
Come follow me on Facebook! I have a new fan page. Just click the badge on my blog.
(Glogirly's cat)
Your mom is a hero for not letting you get hurt in that fall but we're sorry she's achy and hope she feels better soon! Those are great photos of you too!
Hope your Mom is better soon!
I hope your mom will get over her achiness real quick. She sure is nice to watch out for you so well.
Oh wow I hope you mom is ok and didnt strain anything or anything like that. I'm glad your safe too I can't imagine if you both got hurt in the fall. Be careful no
Cool pics. And hurrah! for your human to save you.
We'll send some purrs her way.
Thank cod you are okay! Oh, and we're glad your mom is okay too. What a brave Mom you have putting your safety ahead of hers. Moms are like that. Just sayin'.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's accident, Barney! That's one of the worst feelings when you're falling. I'm sure you would have been fine anyway, but your I guess your Mom's first instinct was to protect you. I sure hope she feels better soon.
What a lovely portrait of you, Barney! It looks like an oil painting to me.
And yes, you may be too young to date officially, but Gracie can still be your friend (and she's a girl, who's a friend). It's all very technical, isn't it.
That is a great picture! Hoping your mom is feeling better from her fall. Our mom is busy working on the scavenger hunt. She's quite pleased that she's finding the answers. Still though, she's got a way to go!
Your mom was lucky not to break her neck ! Hope she feels better now.
I give Rosie her special food on my finger each hour and she leaks it. Now I am waiting for her to go to the litter box too. I think I just have to be patient and wait.
Oh we are so sorry to hear abowt yoor mom's fall. Purrs for her. How sweet that she put yoo ferst Barney ~ that's wot mom's do!
We love your pic. Yoo are gorjuss.
Oh, sorry we didn't know about your mom's fall. She is a hero for not dropping you. She's not having a good week so far, what with falling and getting sick from something in the warehouse at work
. Hope she is doing better.
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