Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

So what have the cats been up to?

Well, in all honestly not too much. Kirzon has been doing great since his teeth cleaning, Lola has keep up her vigourous pace of napping, and Virgil and Barney have been crazy.

Barney is HUGE! He is bigger then Virgil for sure, and pretty close to bigger then Kirzon. And he SO wants to be the alpha cat - he beats up on Virgil way too much if you ask me. I try and stop them when I can. Virgil is such a sweetie but he is also a bit weird. I had accidently stepped on his tail (barely, and without shoes) and so I gave him treats, and then the container was on the table and he tried to get into it, so I decided to give him some more, put the bag on the table, and instead of going after the easily available treats, he went for the table treats. I felt bad for barely stepping on him (he did totally freak out, but seriously I hardly even touched him) so I just let him play with it. I think someone else ate the treats.

The Christmas lights outside are down, and the ornaments are off the tree, but the tree is still up and lit - because we don't have any way to store it at the moment. We need a container to put it in. So I just decided to leave it up for now. The cats are happy about that but they are very confused that the ornaments are gone. Nothing to bat around. I have a ton of cleaning to do this weekend, and wish I could get started on it now - my job is just ridiculous right now. I am planning on cleaining out the hallway because I want to set up a new cat litter area upstairs - I am going to use an Ikea cabinet and make a litter cabinet to hide the box. But I need to make room for it first.

So other than that not much is going on. Barney did get a beautiful gift from his cute girlfriendcat Gracie, but he wants to post about that so it will be here tomorrow. I hope to get some more pictures up too. I have been really busy working on the Naughty Kitty Club contest coming up so I have not had a lot of time at night - plus I have had a lot of badge requests, so they take time too. I am going to be visiting everyone as I can this weekend - probably if I take breaks from cleaning.

So that is about it for now - it has been quiet and I hope it is that way for a few more weeks. But I will try and get more pics at least, even if I don't have much to talk about.



Mouchois said...

Man, I remember when Barney was just a wee little tyke.

And there's nothing wrong with keeping up with that Christmas spirit! :P

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You should get a few more trees! Indoor forest! WOOT!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We hopes you will join our Clean + Green Contest. Go here to find out how

The Mom was happy about it saying safe for laminate floors too. She stresses about stuff like that and she seemed very happy with the results after she used it.

Our tree is still up to although Mom took the ornaments off today so it will probably be going bye bye soon. ~AFSS

PS: Barney I'll see you & Gracie Valentines. ~Socks

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo've seen I keep my Siberian tree up all year!

Thank woo fur the khytteh-updates!

Have a purry nice weekend!


Brian's Home Blog said...

We're still missing our tree! Tell everyone we said to have a restful weekend!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We think you should make the tree a Valentine's Day tree! That would be so cute!

Have a great weekend!

BeadedTail said...

Thanks for the update! We hope you get your cleaning done early so you can enjoy your weekend!

CCL Wendy said...

I'm sure Virgil forgives you for your misstep. You probably felt guilty for nothing.

It's hard to believe that little Barney is the big guy now. Who knows, there could easily be a power shift.

How nice that he got a gift from little Gracie! They certainly make a cute couple.

ButterBean said...

SOunds like there is lots going on

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You have a busy weekend ahead of you!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You are sure busy. Time for naps, we say. And we kitties like to make a big deal out of foots coming anywhere near our tails, so don't worry too much about it. Have a good weekend.

Ingrid said...

Cats can be the best comedians when you have "done" something to them like put your foot on a tail tip ! Mine scream and behave as if they would die in the next second, lol !

Karen Jo said...

Kitties do make a big fuss about their tails. I stepped on the very end of Herman's with my bare foot and he howled and ran and made quite a fuss. He let me give him lots of scritches by way of saying sorry, though. I hope you can get your cleaning done in time to enjoy some weekend relaxing time.

Teddy Westlife said...

Good for you Lola. Napping is the most important job of all.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! Cleaning. Gotta do some of that here too.
Your cabinet idea for the litterbox is a good one. We have a large Rubbermaid box under the bathroom vanity and it fits perfect. Momma took the doors off the vanity and made a curtain so we have easy access.

My Mind's Eye said...

Great post Amy thanks for all the news. Madi and Mom

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

That my guy! What a mancat, you go Barney!!

Hoshi said...

Amanda is still waiting for her tree is coming back... still.... :(

Hansel said...

mom got all the decorations here down- but dad still won't take the tree down- he's being lazy. mom thinks she's going to have to do it herself.

Hansel said...

Our official thank you note:

Thank you so much for all the purrs and prayers for our little hansel. It means the world to us- and we truly believe that with everyone in the cb - it's how we got through all of this. We don't know what we'd do without everyone! Hansel is doing very well - walking around, but we did have to put his cone on- as he thinks he should eat his sutures. He is eating, taking meds, drinking, using the litter box, everything is fantastic!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

-mom bean,
and the whole gang!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Dearest Barney the monster of the blog is back and is it ever mad! It won't let the mom upload any photos. What to do! Please can you save me!!!!!!
The dad is going to do a virus scan tonight but doesn't think that will help any. Arghhhhhh!

Milo and Alfie's mom said...

Awwww ... how cute that Barney is huge! Alfie is bigger than Milo now too ~ but he is still the baby brother and very gentle ~ so he never beats up on Milo and is in fact quite long suffering 'cos Milo likes to throw his weight around sometimes.

DILLIGAF said...

Maximus Spittimus requests that I advise you taking the lights down was wrong because he likes to chase lights. So there.

Four Dinners
Aide de Camp

Jans Funny Farm said...

Barney sounds like our Rusty. He's huge too!

Sagira said...

We didn't have a tree. I like the idea of a Valentines Day tree. hehe. :)

Cheyenne -Millie said...

After Christmas the Christmas tree is always sad! We like the idea of getting more trees! Then you could jump around some!

We hopes your mom catches up on some work!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Huh? You mean the ornaments are supposed to be put away AND the tree is supposed to be down? Not at our house! We love it too much! We keep finding alternating (opened) pressies under the tree each morning. It's like Christmas every day! But we're hearing rumblings that we may have to help take it all down soon.

Have a good week!
Love ya
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Cliff and Olivia said...

Your tree is still there? And you complain about the ornaments?! You're some privileged felines ;-)