Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wow What a Response!!

Wow I can't believe how many of you want to join the Naughty Kitty Club - so we are officially announcing that it is going to happen! I am going to be making up a badge and will have that on Monday - well, ok, that is the plan at least. My guess is I will make something and then have to find someone to make a good one. I have an idea of what I want but I am not sure if I can execute it. I think I will also start a club blog, and members will be able to post there (kind of like Floof and Fur, the Man Cats, etc).

So speaking of naughty kitties, Virgil has been very naughty today - twice. First, this morning he knocked both a salt shaker and tin full of plastic hooks off the table. Right as I watched him. He wanted to play with the hangers. Then today - ok, first, for those of you who are not aware already, I am a total geek. So I have one of those Star Wars light sabers - the really cool looking ones. So Virgil started licking the handle, and then he tried to pick it up with his teeth. The blade is polycarbonate, so it didn't hurt it but seriously, he was trying to dig his teeth into it (it is mostly too big to get his mouth around where he was trying on the handle but still - not cool). I know you are thinking it right now - nerd, don't put it where the cat can get it. That is now the plan.

So in other, less naughty news, we got our first Christmas cards in the exchange yesterday!! One from Ginger Jasper and one from Tygana at One Cat's Nip! We are super excited and are going to be hanging them from the front door (it is actually visible from everywhere on the first floor - probably one of the more visible spots, so perfect for displaying cards). I have pictures below. We are sending ours on Tuesday - I ordered some cute stamps from Zazzle and they should be here by then. I also got more cards - so if you want to join in the exchange you for sure have time!

There are also some pictures of Virgil for your enjoyment - Kirzon is upstairs sleeping so I didn't want to bother him for a change.


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

The Naughty Kitty Club sounds fun. Jack is naughty chasing his sister all over the place and biting when he gets pets. Sometimes he pees outside of the box too (yuck), so we have a definite member here. Baby, on the other hand, is an angel.

The Monkeys said...

We're both naughty and would love to join a club to celebrate that!

Unknown said...

A naughty kitty club. I hope there is a rating for it.. R for ridiculous? Have fun. Sounds like your off to a good start!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Mum says I will join that club because I scratch her leather suite so badly.. Sheesh thats not norty.. I will join though.. He he ..Hugs GJ x

The Creek Cats said...

We missed the sign up for the Naughty Kitty club, but we think Saylor should be a member. She is super naughty, just ask mom!

Milo and Alfie said...

We're thrilled yoo're doing the Norty kitten Klub! We can't wait. Did yoo see that Alfie was norty today ~ over at our bloggie?
We love the pics of Virgil ~ he's very handsome.

Milo xxx

Where's Barney? Can he come owt to play?

Alfie xx

SeaThreePeeO said...

We cna't wait for the naughty kitty club to start. It's a fab idea!

Anonymous said...

Virgil has the best white mustache/goatee!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a handsome dude you are, Virgil. Have a purrfect weekend, y'all.

Anonymous said...

We can't wait to become member of the Naughty Kittie Klub!!! A title we totally deserve! And Virgil, you are becoming such a handsome young ManCat!

Epic the Cat said...

Love the idea of the Naughty Kitty Club, although my humans say I'm too good to join... Hm, we'll see!

And oh, I also wanted to let you know that I've given you a super cool Kreativ Blogger award - I hope you enjoy it! *purrs*

Brian's Home Blog said...

Virgil, those are the best pictures ever, you are one handsome dude, but you knew that!!!

BeadedTail said...

We are going to start being naughty so that maybe we could join too someday. Virgil, you are looking mighty handsome today!