Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A few different things today

First, I wanted to thank everyone for the nice comments on the pictures. And I know many asked - how did you get them in the outfits. Well, you start with a cat that is asleep and hope for the best - for most that worked but on a couple it took a few tries. You will see there are no pics of Kirzon - I have a cute pumpkin outfit for him if I can get it on him. But seriously - if they are asleep they don't notice as much - until they are awake and try and get it off with every ounce of catitude they have. Lola, by the way, is not asleep in her pics - she really hates the flash so most of the time she looks asleep. She is also the most tolerant of outfits - mainly because she is like her mom - super lazy. But there is one picture where it looks like she is smiling. I will be switching to a Halloween theme on Friday at some point too so be sure to stop by and see the awesome header I got from Zoolatry!

Floyd is the same, so not much to report there. When I poured the crunchies this morning he came over but didn't eat any. But at least he is still interested in food.

Ok so a few other things. First, thanks for going to visit Travis yesterday - today you should go visit Laura and her kitties at her new blog DIY Catcare. And by new it is really new - but also really informative - I got some good info I can add to my feedings for Floyd. So if you have time, please drop by and say hello!

Also, Miss Peach's boy Cole is very sick right now and just isn't really getting better. I know a lot of the humans out there have been sick lately (I am right now in fact) but everyone so far has been lucky and gotten better (or is getting better). Cole isn't - and he is just a little boy so he really needs your purrs and some good healing thoughts sent his way. Me and the cats are always purring and sending our best thoughts out to everyone and especially when a person or their pets are sick - a lot of the time things get better and I know most everyone appreciates the good wishes - but Cole needs a little extra love it sounds like - and I know he would appreciate it if you stopped by Miss Peach's blog and left him some good wishes. Whenever Miss Peach talks about him he just sounds like such a sweet boy. I know a lot of you already know Miss Peach but if you don't please stop by HERE with your good thoughts for Cole.

Let me see, I know that there are a ton of other people out there who deserve to be mentioned too - I am just not thinking 100% today (I am going to the people vet tomorrow) so please know that we are sending out our love and purrs and good be happy and healthy thoughts to all of our blog friends! You all are so wonderful and mean so much to us - especially right now with Floyd not doing as well as he should. It really makes me feel so much better to see all the wonderful comments from you all.

So on that note, I am hoping to get some Kirzom pics when I get home from work - he is pretty crafty though. Oh, and the extra good news is that my new computer should finally be here tomorrow - there was a big mixup at one point which is why there is a delay. Once that comes I will be doing a lot more updating - so be sure to leave a comment and let me know if either 1) I am a follower but you aren't on my list or 2) if you have visited me but I haven't made it over to your blog yet (mainly because I forget to go back in my own comments and check who is there). I am super bad about remembering to check back (like I will realize it when I am in bed and then just forget) - I am horrible at remembering important stuff - usless pop culture info sticks in my head if I want it there or not, but anything important is pretty much in and out - I have no idea why.

ETA: I am working on visiting everyone who I haven't visited - I am trying a new technique so it is going a bit easier and I am finally catching up - only 200 posts left (well, not including things that aren't kitty/doggie/various other cute animal blogs - I don't count things like Fark (which is at 700+ right now) in the ones I have to visit because they can always wait - you guys are way more important. Of course, if you are also on Fark I guess that changes things a bit, but still - animal friends come first!)


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Dressing a sleeping cat! Angel wakes up as soon as my hand gets close to her. Must be from her days outside when she got hurt. When I was a kid I had a big orange tabby tomcat. He was so easy with me that he let me dress him in doll cloths and would ride in the doll buggy. But when he was outside, he was all tomcat.

Noll's Nip said...

We usually get our nails cut when we are half asleep....it is a clever trick you humans play on us!

Anonymous said...

Mom usually gives us manicures while we're asleep or we're outta there. Looking forward to your Howloween Header!!!

Jasmim said...

I have hadn't a chance to see your pictures of halloween ... Mom was too busy for blogging with me and now she is sick again u.u'
But dress a kitten is a hard work, but it's so cute!

Daisy said...

The costume photos came out so vivid and sharp! I think the devil hat looks especially striking next to the black furs.

I am used to getting really delicious treats for modeling so I actually come running when I see the camera (most days). Harley gets to play with his Cat Dancer, so he usually isn't even aware that he is wearing an outfit. His usually buggy eyes are because he is excited by the toy!

Baby Patches said...

Momma agrees wif you dat a sleeping cat or laying down one is better to gets into costume!

I knows how you feel on keepings up wif da bloggies, momma say she has to comes up wif a new system to helps me out. MOL hehehe

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Dressing up a khat just sounds like too much fun fur me to have!


The Crew said...

Hey, we looked & found you on the map! Mom grew up in Chicago so she knows the area very well.

Your Secret Sister said...

dear amy and the kitties this is cole miss peaches grandbean i am so thankful for u to put me on your blog i ams fellin beter today i like to talk in popey language i will give u love thank you also for people to come and visit me. me poppy came over today and bot me a big book it was about tiger woods he is a golfer thanku for listing.

p.s i want to sing a short song for u from popey i ams what i am and thats all that am love u here is miss peach

Hello dearest Amy! This is mommy Karla. As you can see, you are a big hit with our young man Cole. Thank you for your kindness. We also hope that you are going to be feeling better agin real soon. Being sick is no fun at all. it has been a busy week with the wedding preps still in full swing. Lots of late nights for us night owls...
We love the costume photos you have taken. Thank you for being such a fun blogger and spreading so much of your love around to others.
See you at the wedding....love from All of us at the cozy cottage