Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Random Tuesday! (On Wednesday!)

Hi Everyone! I decided I needed to do a fun, happy post today. I know we are all sad so I am going to do a happy Random Tuesday post. I am behind about visiting again (I know you are all shocked) which is also a good reason for some randomness!

First, I saw that Stella snuck on and posted, and so I decided she should be allowed to respond to all the mancats out there who were interested in her - here she is!

Hi everyone - especially you mancats!! Wow, I can't believe so many mancats were interested in me! I am shocked! I thought maybe I would get a nibble or two, but I had like 9 responses (and a few others who were too old for me but could be a good fit for Lola, though one who is older I did count because to be honest even though he is a bunch older than me I did have kind of a crush on him already - I just didnt' think older cats would be interested) - and I just don't know what to do! All of these mancats are sweeties and I know all of them would be great boyfriends too. I kind of wish I wasn't so awesome that all the boys would like to date me! I don't want to break any hearts so um, are ladycats allowed to have a lot of boyfriends? And if not, well, all you ladycats or ladydogs out there with boyfriends - how did you decide? Leave me your ideas in the comments! Ok, back to mom!

Thanks Stelly Bean!  Ok, so Stella needs help picking a boyfriend. What else is up? Hm, well lets see...

Trixie is out of her "must rest" period after her ladygardenectomy and well, she is doing great. We played with Da Bird on Sunday night and it was her first time with it. It was so funny because Gus, Stella, Barney and Virgil love it and she was a bit timid at first. So instead of making it all crazy I made it gentle after the others kind of got tired (except Gus - he was still crazy) and made it easy for her to get. Instead of trying to go after it, Gus stood back to let her try it - the others like I said were not interested too much at that point, but Gus still was. But he stood back and watched her learn how to do it. Then I made it more wild and the others joined in but when it was near Trixie, even though the others wanted it Gus just kind of let her try it. He is such a gentleman and he treats her so well. She was definitly the one that was liked quickest when she joined the group, but Gus totally takes care of her it seems. Eventually Gus got da Bird and crunched up all the feathers so we need a replacement now.

Easter was this past weekend. We didn't do anything on Easter but went to Brad's parents and grilled the day before. The cats didn't get any treats out of it though.

Also, random fact - I can't eat things that are cute shaped. Like chocolate bunnies. Even as a kid I didn't eat them. Pretty things would also be something I would pass on because I would feel bad destroying it. Like a super fancy pretty cake.

Ok, so I planned to finish this up on Tuesday and post it but then I got a massive headache.  I always have a headache from work but it was really bad yesterday, so that didn't happen. So I am fininshing this on Wednesday! Our internet is super messed up at work so visiting is almost non-existent right now - I hate it and it makes me sad, but I know you all understand, and I don't want this to be a negative post. So on to the positive.

I was watching Bones last night and realized that one of the characters, Wendel, is totally the human Gus. Even Brad agreed.

When the cats watch the birds and make their chittering noises it is so funny to watch because the noises they make are so different. Trixie's is pure chatering tooth kind of sound, Virgil is all vocal, kind of between meows and squeaks, and Stella is a combo of both. Kirzon was the same way at that age (he doesn't do the sound much anymore - hasn't really since we moved to teh house) and Barney and Gus don't make noise at all that I have noticed.

Well, this is longer than I planned. So to all you Administratvie Assistants out there (and well, if you have a pet blog you could really count yourself as one even if it isn't your vocation) I want to wish you a very happy Administrative Assistants day (which is more than my boss got me, but I swear I am not bitter). I would send you all flowers if I could!


Rene said...

We think Stella should choose the mancat she thinks is best for her. We are sure the other mancats will understand. :-) It seems that Gus already has Trixie as his girlcat too.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Happy Administrative Assistant's Day to YOU!!!!!!

I am sure you do an excellent job!

Yep, my suggestion was that Stella play the field and THEN decide!

I spoke to Cody and he agrees as well


Kea said...

Human Kim: My boss's boss sent around an email to the admin assistants last week, for the day here (in Canada). That was the first time in 10 years anyone has thanked me--my boss, as good as he is, never has. LOL.


Stella...9 responses! Wow! Angel Annie says not to rush into things and that there's nothing wrong with having multiple boyfriends. After all, each might like to do something a bit different with you! And you could always have one boyfriend per month and rotate. Ha.

-Fuzzy Tales

Random Felines said...

MOL - don't tell mom she is our assistant....she would expect present and praise and all that other stuff.

Stella - don't know what to tell you. Ivy doesn't have a boyfriend and the rest of us don't think anyone would want to date her anyhow. (ack - run, here she comes)

Old Kitty said...

There's an Admin Assistant's Day?!?!?!?! Hey!! It should be a global holiday - not fair!! LOL!!!

Awwww lovely Stella!!! What are you going to do?!? How are you going to choose?!?! I say go on chaperoned dates with each one!! Or you could always have a kitty speed date - that would be fun! GOOD LUCK!!!!!! I'm sure all these wonderful mankitties are perfect for you! But of course, there is an even more perfect one just fo you!

Great to hear that gorgeous Trixie is ok now after her operation!! Yay! A huge hello to Gus, Lola, Barney, Virgil and Kirzon! Take care

Princess Jasmine said...

I'm far to young to have boyfriends yet, so mummy says, so I can't help there. However, I would love to know the protocol for when I do get old enough :) xx

Catsparella said...

Happy Administrative Assistants Day! I watch Bones too! :) As for Stella..I think I agree with Caren's "play the field" comment..MOL!

Anonymous said...

Stella, I most definitely DO think ladycats can have more than one boyfurend. And like I already told you, I think maybe you're too young to be tied down anyways. So go ahead. Kick up your paws and have fun!

My mom doesn't have a problem eating cute things like chocolate bunnies. In fact, I'm pretty sure the cuter they are, the more she wants to eat them.

Happy Assistants Day!

Wiggles & Wags,

Sagira said...

Oh to have the men fighting over you....you lucky girl. I've had my eye on this one BIG guy...but no luck yet. LOL

BeadedTail said...

Happy Administrative Assistant's Day!

We're impressed with all of Stella's mancat suitors! We're glad Trixie is doing great too!


Happy Administrative Assistant's Day!

Stella we think you could have lots of boyfriends!
The more the merrier!

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^ >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We think Stella should see which potential boyfriends are the most attentive for a month. Ya dont want one that gives up easily!

White Dog Blog said...

Stella, you are still young, we say shop around, enjoy the chase, sow some wild oats before you settle down. da Bird game sounds like lots of fun...dad has not been brave enough to play fishing for squirrels in the living room now that there are 4 (soon to be 5) of us! Maybe we can talk him into maybe swinging the fishing pole with the bungee squirrel out in the yard.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Whhat a lovely catch up post. We are sorry yoo have a headache again. Mom said to ask ~ do you work under fluorescent lighting ~ 'cos when mom did she got tons of headaches? Also have you had your eyes tested as eye strain can cause headaches? On the other paw, it could just be that yoo have a sh*tty boss and job!

Anyway, we are sending healing purrs just in case.

Elizabeth and Connor said...

That was cute about the different ways kitties chatter at birds! All we can say is that whatever Stella decides is the right choice.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Me, me, me......Stella, I'm not a mancat but you have captivated my doggie heart. I like all that stuff you said about yourself but I am an old fella so you might not consider me for a doggie beau. My ladies Shelby and Milly maybe won't mind to much.

I love you swetie.....Weenie

GRAÇA said...

Choices that do not look from my boyfriend can choose the most handsome
Turrinhas Girlfriend

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Yoo know all the lady beans like dis actor Sean Connery and he is like ancient old, so Stella, yoo do wat is gud fer yoo!

Fanks fer stoppin by, the mom seems to has lost track of our bloggie wif her metal machine bein broken for a few weeks now. Stress - us kittehs never really has it like beans do we?


Anonymous said...

I like the idea that Stella play the field and then decide.
But I really would like for her to visit me. Buy reading my posts that mom puts up I then she might find me just a little bit interesting.

Stella..Stella..I Love You,
Mancat Marley

*karendianne. said...

Hugo is in his new place. Can you update your banner?

Anonymous said...

We hope Stella makes a good choice! I'd suggest Oliver but he might still be a bit too young at seven months! Having said that I do have a boyfriend myself - but I am much more mature than my brother!