Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Well, it is TockTober, and that means that it is time for the kitties to show their tocks! And of course with today being Derby's birthday, and him being Mr. TockTober, well, it is the perfect day for our tocks pictures! I had to go back through the archives to find some, and I noticed one thing - the older cats (Kirzon and Lola) don't really show their tocks - like ever! I couldn't believe that I didn't even find one! Now, some of my pictures are on a different drive, which is not set up right now, so there is a possibility there are some there, but out of all the ones on my computer not one was of the older cats. Even the young cats were tough to find - I think I just must not be trying to get the tock shots like I should! Anyway, for your enjoyment here are our tock shots for this TockTober. Enjoy and Happy Birthday Derby (and there is some other news after the pictures)!

So the other news, well, I guess it is less of a surprise now since I know some of you follow the other blogs, but on October 30 we will be helping Ash, one of the fosters at Daily Dose of Dogs, get to his new forever home! For those of you who don't know, Chrystal runs a private rescue down in way south Illinois, and she has taken in a lot of kittens recently who need help. So she needs to find forever homes for her residents in the cat house, so that she has room for the newbies to move in. So far only one has found a forever home, and that is Ash, who is going to live with his new forever family, Cat and the boys from Cat's Cats! Well, Cat is super excited and was ready to drive all the way down - but they are in Canada and that is a LONG drive! So now Chrystal will bring Ash up part of the way, we (Brad and I) will drive down south and meet them, then we will meet Cat up north. Just going all the way down Illinois would be a full day one way, so this will cut a big chunk of time off for her. And we get the fun of meeting them all, including Ash!! We are so excited! The extra cool thing is that we are doing it on October 30 - that is the one year anniversary of when Floyd went to the bridge. So not only is this adoption honoring Winnie (the adoption drive is Winnie's Wishes - you can click the link in the sidebar for info on that - the link above to Daily Dose of Dogs will take you to the Ash post, but you can get to the info from there too, since it is the same blog after all) but we are doing it to honor Floyd too! All three blogs are posting about it - and we will have pictures a few days after (Halloween being the next day will of course mean we will be BUSY that weekend, so other than the post for Floyd, we won't be online much!) I am so excited about this whole thing, and I know Brad is too. And of course it is a good thing that Ash is going to his forever home, and not just switching to a new foster home, because of course that means I can't do anything silly like bring him home (which would be such a bad idea with Lola already having issues - which is what I keep reminding myself every time Chystal takes in a new kitten - seriously the new bunch are polydactyl - so not just cute but with extra toes - lucky for me I know that it woudl be a bad idea to add any more, because it would really start to affect the cats too much). Anyway, that is the exciting news we had from the other day - at least it is for me! So I will be doing a bit of posting about our getting ready for the trip - it is going to be so much fun, and I am so glad that I get to help out both Chrystal and Cat!


Brian's Home Blog said...

Nice tocks gang! Hey, you get to meet Ash? How exciting!!!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Great pictures! And that is so exciting that you're helping Ash get home to Cat.

Neeko said...

Awww... The Kitties tushies are sooo cuuuute!
Happy Birthday to Derby :o)

So very nice of you to help Ash with the foster babies ♥

Neeko ♥

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How khool!

A khytty transport!

What a great way to celebrate TockTober!


Carolyon said...

Now some of those shots are rather funny!

Katnip Lounge said...

We loved all your 'tock shots, but the kitten action 'tocks were FABULOUS!

How neat is it that you'll be helping Ash to his new home. Mega-cool!

Jacqueline said...

Adorable tock photos!...What a great way to honor sweet Floyd by transporting precious Ash to his forever home=that is a purrfect tribute to your baby, Amy!...Our Mom has been interviewing for a new job and if she starts working more hours on Nov. 1, we won't be able to comment as much, but will keep up with you wonderful friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Sparkle said...

Lucky you, getting to meet everybody, including Ash! And the timing is perfect too. That is going to be a fun adventure.

Sasha said...

I expect I am in the non costume category for Halloween, as Lynettea doesn't seem to even notice when it is.

Ellen Whyte said...

Very nice tocks!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We think it is wonderful that yoo are helping Ash get to his new forever home ~ and wot a lovely way to show remembrance of dear little Floyd. Thank you so much.

Love Milo & Alfie, and our mom xxx

Old Kitty said...

What a brilliant thing you and Brad and Chrystal are doing to get Ash to his forever family with Cat! Oh wow! What an adventure and what a memorable trip for little sweet Ash!! Awwww Wonderful! And the best thing is that this generous event will honour sweet Winnie and lovely Floyd! Oh you guy and gals just ROCK!!!!! Yay!!!!! Good luck to all of you!!!!

These are brilliant tock shots of gorgeous Virgil, Barney, Gus and Stella!! Awwww - it that little Barney by the Mcdonald's bag?!? What cutie!

Hugs to Lola and Kirzon!! Oh if only I could adopt all the rescue kitties and doggies all over the world..!LOL!! Take care

Anonymous said...

That's so great to be able to help out! Is that Stella with the glove? How funny!

Nic's Notebook said...

Absolutely love your blog - just came across it! I am a massive cat lover too - have 3 cats atm and hopefully getting a new rescue kitten after Christmas. Your babies are sooo cute!!

Rene said...

Kitty tocks! We don't have too many of those photos. And that's cool you are helping Ash and Cat! How far are you going to drive him?

Cat said...

Super tocks pictures is that Stella on the stairs?!

I hadn't written anything about you on my blog yet, but now I can tell everyone that you will be helping :-) Yay Amy and Brad! It is so wonderful that you volunteered to do some driving for Ash and us. It really eases the trip and makes it just a joy now instead of a mad driving dash to make it down and back in one weekend!

We will all drive in honour of Floyd on the 30th :-)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Cute tocks. We like the springbok picture of Stella. That is very kind of you to help Ash get to his new Forever Home with Cat.

Anonymous said...

Those are some really cute tiny 'tocks!

Kat's Kats said...

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde sing to Derby:
"Happy Birthday (mew!)
Happy Birthday (meow!)
May your next year be real sweet
With lots of gushy food & treats!
Happy Birthday (mew!)
Happy Birthday (meow!)

"Yay for helping Ash getting to his Forever home! Mom says we can't have any new brothers or sisters right now because we don't have enough green papers. She also tends to follow the one cat per lap rule but no matter what dad thinks she's never going to have less than two cats in the house and probably not less than four even after her kittens move out. heh."


Good tock shots!

Oh we are so happy about Ash and we think it is so wonderful that you are helping transport him to his new "Mom"!


Anonymous said...

I think those are most luvly tocks!

And I think that helping Ash get to his forever home is just the best way EVER to honor Floyd. I know he's gonna be watching over your trip from the Bridge. I can hardly wait to see pictures and read about it!

Wiggles & Wags,

Sagira said...

Great photos. Always so much fun over there. :)

That is SO great that you guys are helping wish Ash. :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those were ALL great TockTober pictures!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Lots of tocks at your place but I must say the best tocks are of my Sweet Barney!!

Quill and Greyson said...

You have great tocks! So cool about your helping ASH!

White Dog Blog said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing to get Ash to his forever home! And on such a significant day.

Thanks too for your family's TockTober contribution!

Just Ducky said...

Thanks for the purrthday wishes, it was a great day.

Oskar said...

What great kitteh tocks!

It's so nice to help Ash.

Nubbin wiggles,

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Awww!!! Cute pho-toes and Happy birfday to Derby!!!!!

Exciting about 'da Kitty rescue and transport!!

Hugs to you all!!!
IzZY, Josie, Anakin Man and TriXie

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wow! You haves some fantastic tocks! Thanks for sharing!!

meowmeowmans said...

Great tocks!

That is so awesome that you are helping to get Ash to his new home with Cat. What a great tribute to Floyd.

Tell Cat and Chrystal we said hello and thank you!

Daily Dose of Dogs (aka Cats with your Coffee) said...

I could hardly wait to include the news about making this a tribute to Floyd. So glad you mentioned it so that I can, too.
Looking forward to the BIG day!!

GRAÇA said...

Good weekend and play very
Ronrons of

Danielle said...

We like how Virgil and Barney are posing in unison in the first pic.

We are really excited to hear about the transport! Keep us posted.

Angie, Catladyland said...

Tick-Tock...you cats Rock!

Nice job helping a friend...good friends make the world go round!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Hugo has arrived safe and sound! We are having so much fun getting to know each other. He is going to help me with my Halloween party! I sure can use the extra help. having him here is just like having a brother! I have always to have a sibling. Oh this is going to be such a fun week.
Sure wish Barney could have gotten in that box somehow and got to visit with Hugo. Oh well. Hugo will have lots of kisses to give Barney when he decides to get back home.

the booker man said...

miss amy,
i'm kinda new to the kitty lingo...i'm guessin' that tock = hiney? anywho, i especially like the pic of miss stella on the stairs. teehee.
you are super nice to help ash get to his new forevarrr home with miss cat! thankies for your help!!

the booker man

TwoSpecialWires said...

We're happy to read you can help with the kitty transport. Rescue is such a good thing.

Fond tail wags
Jake and Fergi