Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lots of stuff!

So today we have a few things. First and foremost, Gracie, Barney's sweet ladycat, is having a Halloween Party this weekend!

Next, our dog blog friend Little Princess Luna is ALSO having a party! We are going to be so busy!

And lets see, earlier I was visiting our dog blog friend Khyra (you all know Khyra I am sure!) and she mentioned that some of her blog friends are doing a "show us your treat jar" thing on October 30 - and they are encouraging everyone to take a box of treats to their shelter too - and that sounds like a great idea to us! You can see Khyra's post about it, and then she has a link over to Jack and Moo's blog - they came up with the idea (we used the graphic for it - we think this could be an awesome annual thing!). We think if you have the chance it is a great idea - and heck some kitty treats would be good too!

I am in the process of getting ready for the bog weekend here - and tomorrow is a big day too. Well, for me and Brad at least - we are going to see the Blackhawks tomorrow night and we have amazing seats (some company trying to schmooze Brad by taking him and me to the game - so we will be in one of the private penthouse boxes - AWESOME). Brad was smart - he knew if he went without me he would be in big trouble! Then Saturday is the transport for Ash - and I am so excited about that! And then Sunday is HALLOWEEN!! WOO HOO! I will have pics of our decorations for this year up either that day or the next.

Oh, and who didn't cross their fingers - we didn't loose power at all at work! We did have some flickers and our network was really slow but that was about it. It is still super windy but not at all as bad as I expected. They do keep calling it the storm of the century and stuff like that - and it is hitting lots of our blog friends too, so we are sending out purrs for all of you stuck in this fun to be safe!!

Finally, well, how about some pics of the babies in their Halloween costumes! I will have a full posting of all the cats on Halloween - of course other than Gus and Stella they will be from last year - the older cats weren't about to fall for that humiliation again!

Enjoy! I doubt I will get to post tomorrow so we will see you on Thursday!!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, don't the kitties look so sweet - love that butterfly:)

Sounds like a busy Halloween season for all of you. Have lots of fun.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Love the Halloween photos but sure was hoping to see my Sweet Barney. Guess I will have to wait until the party. Lots going on at your place. One busy mom there. We had the wind here today too. And guess what else? A tornado WARNING. The folks and I were in the basement until we got the all clear. The mom here said that this is late in the year to have one of those. I bet the windy city was especially windy today too.

Quill and Greyson said...

Holy Cod, Mom almost bought those wings for me!!

cats of wildcat woods said...

Looks like someone went to Petsmart for costumes! Mom wanted to buy stuff but got there too late - everything was gone except the devil horns! Guess what I am wearing?

Ellen Whyte said...

We don't do dressup but we like those wings!

We're up for Wordless Wednesday:Target Is Relaxed


Cat said...

I love the Angel wings, or are they butterfly wings? Either way Stella looks beautiful :-)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Jack and Moo

And then me too

Thank woo fur sharing the treat jar idea!

Nice khostumes - fur some reason, the purple owl made me smile - but so did the beaWOOtiful wings!

Khyra and The Golden Khousins

Anonymous said...

Awww the kitties look so cute!!

Have a happy Halloween!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We have TRAYS of foods ta give. And this is the time ta give them!

Old Kitty said...

Awwwwww goodness!! What a fun packed weekend!! All these fab parties!! Yay!!!
Stella and Gus are just so cute with their costumes on!! Wow!!! They're adorable!! Gus is very smart with his bat bow tie and Stella is a perfect little butterfly/fairy!! Awwwwww!!

ENJOY your fab seats at the game!!! Private penthouse boxes - yay!!! Take care

Princess Jasmine said...

lovely pictures. I have some of me and my big bro Simba, but mummy is going to wait until Sunday before she hoomiliates us :) Shhhhhhhhhh, don't tell mummy, but I quite enjoyed it hee he

The Monkeys said...

Adorable costumes! It sounds like a very busy Halloween!

Rene said...

Oh, those halloween photos are so funny. Stella with that hat and scarf on just cracked me up. And that one photo with the wings--she looks very ticked off.

Gus' bat collar is just adorable.

Daily Dose of Dogs (aka Cats with your Coffee) said...

Oh, what wonderful costumes!! I think my favorite is the wings. But make sure the kitties think that I voted equally for ALL of the outfits. No hurt feelings that way.

Marg said...

You two look so terrific in your costumes. Love the butterfly one. And Gus you look rather smashing with your fancy collar on. WE will NOT wear a costume. Great pictures. We also love the idea of the treat jar. We will have to see what we can do.

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, we LOVE your costumes, sweet friends! :)

BeadedTail said...

You two look so cute in your costumes! We love the wings but are glad they are on you and not us!

Anonymous said...

Oh the last pictures of both Gus and Stella are SOOOOO sweet! They both sure tried to gets their costumes off, though, didn't they?

And I DOUBLE crossed my paws for you so it wasn't me. Nope!

Wiggles & Wags,

Remington said...

Oh Gustin! I about fell over when I saw you! What a dreamboat! You are the most handsome guy EVER! OH NO! Here comes Remington -- don't tell him I was using the computer....until later! Hugs!


Oh my look at those sweet faces!
Hahahaha we all know how you guys felt with costumes on. Momma tried that once on us and boy the you know what hit the fan.We won't tolerate collars so you can imagine how it was when Mom tried costumes on us. We love the butterfly wings on Stella, but she looks like she is rearranging them.

You Mom is gonna be really busy!


Cheyenne -Millie said...

We like your costumes! We especially like those wings!! So lovely purrty!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Awwww ... those kitty costumes are awesome! Sounds like yoo are all having fun this Halloween.