Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

It is going to be one of those weeks!I

I can already tell - it has been crazy here. I have been checking email a bit, but that is easier to get away with - so visiting is going to be tough is my guess. I hate when it is like that here!

There is a lot going on at our house - most of the Halloween stuff is up, only the stuff that goes up that day is left to put up, which is good. The cats are fascinated by the Halloween decor, and well, they try to pull the stuff down from the windows - which is bad. But they are learning to leave it alone.

Virgil and Lola had their annual check ups on Saturday - they are so nice and quiet in the car! The rest of the cats yell - Kirzon not too bad, but the other three - a lot. So this was a nice change! Lola is down to 14 1/2 lbs so her diet food is working, which is great. Virgil is 10 lbs, perfect for him. They both did great and so that means everyone is all set for this year - yay!

There is some other awesome stuff going on, but I am going to hold off on that stuff til I have all the details - but you will hear about it from a few others too - they may be posting about it before us. But that is ok - I am kind of the middleman in it. Lets just say it is something exciting that will happen on 10/30. Also that day will be a tribute post for Floyd, as it will have been 1 year since he went to the bridge. I miss him so much still!

Anyway, I will have some pics for you guys later - this is just a quickie to say Hi!


Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope your week will not be as bad as you anticipate!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

And hello back to you - we sure hope the week turns out to be a good one.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Gemini and Ichiro said...

hopefully you will have a good week, no matter what goes on!

Princess Jasmine said...

You sound very busy. Hmmm, Halloween goodies. I might just have to come trick or treating prrrrr

Oskar said...

I can't wait to hear what the surpise is!

I'm glad the kitties all did good at their check ups.

Nubbin wiggles,

Angie, Catladyland said...

Sending smiles for a good week for you!

Phoebe just howls all the way to the vet -- the 10 min drive feels like an hour.

Old Kitty said...

Yay great news about Lola and Virgil!! Yay!!! Glad their vets visits went well! Brilliant!!

Ooooh I'm getting ever so excited with this awesome stuff - whatever it is!! Can't wait to find out!

Awwww lovely Floyd. I look forward to his tribute post and to getting to know him a bit more! Take care

Cat said...

You are so organized to have your halloween decorations up! Can't wait to read all your exciting news :-)

I am especially looking forward to reading your tribute to Floyd. I only started blogging in february, so I didn't know him, but I just took a look at his tab and it sounds like he was a great cat...it's so hard when we lose them!

little princess Luna~ said...

hi kittehs~! stop being naughty and shredding all the howl-o-ween stuffs. heehee. :)
you sound like my bully sibs. :P


SuziQCat said...

Sounds like a busy week! Glad to hear the vet visits were positive.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Amy! I can't wait to see what's going on. It all sounds Most Mysterious!

Did you know my mom hasn't gotten any of our Howl-oween stuff up this year? And she LUVS Howl-oween! But it's just been busy, busy, busy at our house. Stupid Busys.

Wiggles & WAgs,

Katnip Lounge said...

I did not know it was possible for a Cat to be quiet in the car. ALL of mine do the old fire siren howl!

CCL Wendy said...

Indeed you sound like a very busy lady! The more cats, the more visits to the vet. Congrats to Lola and Virgil for meeting their weight goals without drama or trauma.


Oh we hear you'll be taking a car trip! We are all so excited to hear all the details! Pawsome indeed!!

Hope your week does go smoothly, if quickly.

Our halloween stuff is up too.
We love decorating with Mom.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Halloween, thats when Beins come to the door an leave us kitty treats, right?

Sagira said...

Hope it turns around and ends up being an AMAZING week for you! :)

White Dog Blog said...

Hope the week just starts out ragged and quickly smooths into a more easy going time. Glad to hear everyone is all vetted for the rest of the year...clean reports on all is great news. The surprise sounds very mysterious!

BeadedTail said...

Thanks for the update! Hope your week goes better than expected! We can't wait until 10/30 now!

OKcats said...

I think I had the same Monday as you! I'm glad the annual checkups went well - always a relief. And I know you must still miss Floyd terribly. I had the 1 year anniversary of Snuggles' passing last month, and it'll be 3 years for Zachary next month, and I still miss them both a lot.

Good luck with your week! ;)

Sweet Purrfections said...

I think I just read about what is going on, but I can't wait to see if I'm correct. I hope you have a good week.

Unknown said...

Woooohooo. I can't wait until Oct 30th. Hope the vet visits go well.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I love purrrrrprizes!

Am I getting my khytty then?


Ellen Whyte said...

We hope it's not too bad!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

OoOOoOO... what is 'da big announcement/surprise? We's nosy little puggies!! hee hees

We hopes you smile big and glad yous kitties doing well!!

IzZY, Josie, Anakin Man and TriXie

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We can't believe a whole year has flown by since sweet little Floyd left for the Bridge. (((((hugs))))) We miss him too.

Anonymous said...

We can't wait to hear what the surprise is! Hoping that your week smooths out for you--at least your kitties are doing OK!

Kea said...

Hurray for good vet checks!

We hope the rest of the week settles down for you. We read on Cat's blog about what's happening soon, so think that might be some of the "awesome" stuff you are alluding to!