Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Pictures! Lots and lots of pictures!! These are posted in the reverse order they were taken in - blogger loves to post in reverse. And some were taken by just aiming and shooting - no looking through the view finder. Anyway, enjoy!!!


BeadedTail said...

Oh we just LOVE all the photos! Everykitty is just so cute! We're glad to hear the vet visit went well too and we hope Gus's lump goes away too!

little princess Luna~ said...

you are all looking FURBULOUS~!!!!
love pictures~! :)


Katnip Lounge said...

Wow! Everybody looks fat-n-sassy and fulla beans!
Mommy thinks Barney has the best markings.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Purry nice!

Oh the sweet dreams I'll have tonight!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are all looking pretty darned cute!

White Dog Blog said...

What a lovely way to catch up! Everyone looks so healthy and happy in the photos! We are glad the vet visit went well.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Adorable photos ~ all of 'em! Big smoochies from us all at our howse.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ohhh such wonderful photos my friends. We love seeing you.

Ellen Whyte said...

Cuuuuuuuuute pics! They all look so happy. Love this post.

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE!! LOVE that one of Gus(?) with his tongue sticking out. Those are great.

Sónia Mendes said...

Hi everybuddy,

All the pictures look so sool, I can't decide which one I love the most.

Purrs from Gotchi

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are really good pics, big smiles everywhere, so many I lost count. I love seeing those beautiful faces!

pibble said...

These are gorgeous pics! Of gorgeous kitties! Well done!

Robyn said...

The smug little faces are KILLING me!

By the way, last night from completely out of nowhere, my husband called Martin "Barney"! I think he was intending to call him "Buddy" but "Barney" came out of his mouth. Too funny - I had to tell him about your Barney then, of course!

Mishkat said...

These photos are wonderful! We're impressed! And you gotta love Gus's tongue - so cute!

Daily Dose of Dogs (aka Cats with your Coffee) said...

LOVE the pictures. I could stare at those kitty faces forever.

The Meezers or Billy said...

great pikshurs!!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We love all your photos - all the pictures are gorgeous - such happy kitties.

Angie, Catladyland said...

GREAT pics, Amy! I especially love the tongue-shots :)

Anonymous said...

All of your babies are so happy and smiley!

Jacqueline said...

LOVE the photos=your babies are all so gorgeous and happy...We adore all the Gus and Stella smiles=Gus looks like he is smiling in every photo (his sweet face and constant smiles remind Mommy so much of Jax=MC/DC's son)...Happy day, beautiful friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

meowmeowmans said...

Aw, you all look beautiful! Great pictures! :)

Lynx217 said...

I'm back and still following you. As per my latest blog post, I'm letting everyone that's in my following list know I still have them.
That being said...
SQUEE!!!!!!!!!! You all are just so adorable!

Anonymous said...

Mom almost fell outta her chair from all the cuteness!

Remington said...

What a great looking group of kitties!

Oh, just a minute Ozabella wants to type something....

Hi Gustin! You are the most handsome cat I have ever seen! I can't take my eyes off you! If you want to know what name I want to go by check out Rem's blog on Thursday. Sorry this is so short but REMINGTON is getting an attitude. So c u! Ozabella

Sorry but she isn't allowed to be on the computer very much -- she is much too young!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, we loved seeing all the pictures! Everyone looks happy...

Sagira said...

Just love all those cute smiling faces. :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Wow! That is a lot of pics, and they are all lovely.

Anonymous said...

SQUEE! Those were some most adorable and sweet pictures! My most favoritest one, though, is the one where Barney's real close to the camera. He's just SO handsome! And I also luvs the one of Gus and Barney both looking like they're sniffing something real good.

Wiggles & Wags,


::::clappin paws::::

We just lub da kitten pixchurs!


The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

That is a lot of fuzzy cuteness! Love the little pink tongue.

Pirulo Furry said...

Even backwards all pictures are lovely.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Wonderful pictures! Each and every one of them!

Jake and Fergi

Ellen Whyte said...

Thanks for inviting us to participate in Naughty Kitties. How do we post? Do you take a date, or send stuff to you, or is it free for all??? Or are we meant to update our profile? Sorry but confused. Au says it's because i spend too much time with the furbrain.

Old Kitty said...

Oh wow!!!! What a lovely collection!! Look at all your beautiful kitties!! They are just adorable!! A big hello to sweet Lola, Kirzon, Virgil, Barney and baby kitties Gus and Stella!!

Take care

Zona said...

BOL! I loves the one where the model is sticking out that cute tongue at the camera!!


Danielle said...

The first few pictures of Stella are so precious! Gus sticking his tongue out is cute too. And Virgil, you look sooooo handsome!! Your big eyes are starting to mesmerise me.

Rene said...

I love how your kitties love to scrunch for the photos! I've said this before, but it's still SCARY to me how much Stella is looking like our Sadie, wow, they are like Internet twins.