Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Time Travel Thursday

So since I am super busy it seems like a good time for a Time Travel Thursday. Today we aren't traveling too far - just back to May 31, 2010 to a post titled "They're Here!" - about the day that Gus and Stella came home for the first time!

Gus and Stella are here!! And so far things are going ok - though today there was a storm and the power dipped a couple times (flashbacks to Barney's second day here when the power went out for a few days!) They both are having some eye issues, but I have a lot of eye stuff here so when I call the vet tomorrow to set up their appointment for Saturday I will ask him about which one to try. They are doing well otherwise, and are having fun exploring and playing. They have met all their siblings - they aren't best buddies yet but they are tolerating each other. There is some hissing and growing on both sides but it could be worse. I have found that Da Bird is a great peacemaker because they all like to play with it. I had planned to get tons of photos but so far I haven't because I have been hanging out with them. I did get some videos and some pics - a pictures are below. I have to check out the videos before I post them - some are better than others. Right now they are both asleep in my lap, and the others are wandering aroung. They slept well - they are big enough to get up and down from the bed (using the steps I made from storage bins, which are always there because Kirzon likes to use them too) so I gave them that option but they decided that they like to hang out under the bed snuggling. They are already pros at Thundering Herd of Elephants - they played that last night and this morning. They are using their litter and eating well, so that is a good sign they are comfortable. Their brothers want their kitten food, but so far I have managed to keep them away from most of it (it spilled so I let them have the bits that fell, and Barney did steal a small bag and hide it in his tent but I found it eventually when I hear the noise - I don't think he got too much). All in all things are going very well.

I hope you all had a great weekend and for those of you in the US a good Memorial Day! I will have more updates tomorrow! We will also be back to visiting and commenting starting tomorrow - I have been reading but not commenting and won't be starting back on commenting til tomorrow. We had a MASSIVE clean and organize last week up until pretty much the last second when the kittens got here, then we had kittens to play with - so here is a big Hi Everyone, You are all cuties, we send lots of purrs for everyone not feeling well to everyone we visit - a big group comment! Have a great day!


Ellen Whyte said...

They're cute little things. Love those bat ears.

Jacqueline said...

Oh, what adorable babies they were and they are growing up so fast into beautiful big babies!!...Best of luck with their surgeries; purring for their quick recoveries...kisses, sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Gus and Stella look adorable in those pics. How quickly times flies.

Old Kitty said...

Awwww I so remember this!! Awww look at them - so tiny and yet doing the thundering herd of elephants thing! LOL!!

Wonderful! It truly was a lovely day for all of you! Thanks for sharing.

Take care

V.L. Locey said...

Thanks for the time travel! Those are two really cute kitties!

Lu-Lu & Lucius

Rene said...

Awwww, you can time travel back to kitten photos anytime.

meowmeowmans said...

We love time travel! Thanks for taking us back to the day Gus and Stella came home. Look how little they were! :)

We are sorry to hear things have been so crazy busy. Hopefully, you'll have at least a little time to relax over the weekend.

Anonymous said...

They are just so sweet!

DILLIGAF said...

Gus and Stella are cutimuss! (Not as cutimuss as I is obviously)

I is big boy now but I is still cute!!!

Maximus Spittimus

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how TINY they were when they first got there! Great flashback!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh aren't they cute!

Mishkat said...

We cannot believe how fast Gus and Stella have grown (actually, we cats believe it, it's our mom that's kinda slow about these things!) They were cute then and are adorable now.

Brian's Home Blog said...

They sure a cuties!!! I hope their eyes get feeling better soon.

Louisette said...

Very lovely,fotos.
Greeting from Belgium
Have seen Max blog, i cry because is go away, reùmember my old golden Uriel at same age,also go away from a tumor, came back to see your wonderfull blog and banner, because Max golden blog in your links make me unhappy, remember my Uriel golden
Have a nice day, Louisette with one cat chartreux Scratchy, 2 golden Cerise+ Zitablue
links kennels golden, cattery,my blogs golden

Louisette said...

Wonderfull fotos, Lola is beautifullthe other also

Anonymous said...

Awwww...I was more than happy to travel back in time to see teeny tiny little Gus and Stella again! Gosh, they grow up so fast, don't they?

Sorry abouts all the busys! We sure know about that around here, too.

Wiggles & Wags,





Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Love the baby kittie photos of you Barney. Some things just never chance. Cute is when you were little and cute (handsome) when you are a mancat. Next time you time travel stop on over I am usually here.

White Dog Blog said...

It seems so long ago...and yet it was just a few months. We feel that way about Quinn joining OUR family, too. Gus and Stella are still cuties...bigger but cuties.

Cory Clark said...

They were sooo cute in those pics - & still are!!!

Have a wonderful day!!

~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...


the booker man said...

awww, look at baby stella and gus! that is so cutesies! thanks for doing a blast from the past post cuz i didn't know you yet in may, so it was fun to hear about stella and gus and their first days at home. :)
the booker man

Cat said...

OMG, they are too cute for words!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Its allus nice ta visit the times we kitties first arrived at our forever homes!

Sagira said...

Look at how cute. I just love time travels. :)

Jans Funny Farm said...

Such cute kitties.