Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


So the boss is gone but now work is crazy so I was getting a little caught up visiting then things went downhill. Plus yesterday we found out that our office is moving by October 1, and the new one is going to be at least twice as far for me, so therefore at least twice as long. Yuck. I am catching up with the oldest posts first, so you will start to see comments on stuff from earlier in the week first.

Anyway, here are some pictures. It is mostly of Gus and Stella but I did get a really good one of Virgil. I noticed that there is a lot more Gus this time, because Stella wouldn't hold still for the camera. I am trying to teach her to give me five - so far is it kind of working. I will keep you updated. Oh, and there is a picture of Gus in a bowl - well, sort of a bowl. It is a display bowl, not an eating bowl - it has LED's inside that change colors - but I didn't want to scare him out of it by turning it on.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

All the pictures were great, but we specially loved Gus in the bowl!

BeadedTail said...

Oh we loved all the photos! Gus and Stella are growing so fast! It's so sweet how they cuddle! Virgil is very handsome!

That's too bad about the office move too!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tasty pikhs!

Thanks fur sharing -

Bummer on the extra khommute -


Sweet Purrfections said...

so cute! Gus and Stella are growing quickly.

White Dog Blog said...

The special serving of Gus is especially adorable but all of the shots are great. Your extended commute sounds like when my employer moved from downtown Chicago to Vernon Hills...and we lived just south of the Loop! :(

Jacqueline said...

We love all your photos, Amy, and can't believe how big Gus and Stella are getting=they are just precious together!...Gus is so cute in the bowl and Virgil is an adorable sweetheart!...Happy Friday sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Old Kitty said...

Awwww!!Beautiful beautiful pics!!! Virgil is so handsome and Gus is just too cute sitting on that bowl and Gus and Stella together are just ADORABLE!! Awwwww!!!

Oh good luck at work - what an upheaval for you! I hope the new one you go to will be worth going to as in brand new and better than where you are now - you have to have some nice compensation for it being twice as far!

Take care

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are really good pictures, I love the cuddle pics too!

The Monkeys said...

We love the photos! Gus and Stella are growing so fast!

P.S. Delilah can give a high-five, but now she does it so much because she thinks she gets treats everytime she does it!

Kea said...

I especially love the cuddling photos. :-)

My, how they are growing! No longer wee babies!

Crummy about the office move...We moved to a different building on campus not quite 2 years ago and lost our private office suite space, share open-concept cubicle space with other departments now. Sucks, frankly.

Ingrid said...

Congrats ! you did a very good job ! the pictures are all sooo cute and nice ! I know how difficult it is to shoot good cat pictures, they move all the time even when you think they don't move, lol !

Anonymous said...

We've probably said it before, but Gus is going to be a HUGE boy! All the pictures are great, though. Too bad about your office moving further away, though.

the booker man said...

awww, miss amy, that's stinky about your office moving farther away. can you work from home some more? i know the kitties would love that. :)
mama thinks virgil has the prettiest eyes. they really stand out against his black furs, too. and it's so totally cutesies how miss stella and gus cuddle like that!!
the booker man

Cat said...

I love it when they cuddle like that !

Beth said...

Amy, Gus and Stella are really growing! It's obvious they love each other. How sweet they are. Sorry about your work situation. Maybe this will be the impetus for you to look for something more suitable. Best wishes, Beth

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh noes! Farther to go for work! Love the pictures of all the kids. Great seeing them all. Stay cool! Mom is very crabilated with the heat even though we have a/c.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Gus and Stella look gorgeous snuggled together, and Gus looks so cute in the bowl.

Anonymous said...

Gus in a Bowl! You could prolly sell those and makes millions!

Wiggles & Wags,