Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Monday, July 19, 2010


So, this weekend kind of sucked because our AC went out on Saturday. Because of the design of our house (we have no windows, just patio doors, downstairs and slider windows upstairs) we can't even get a window air conditioner til it is fixed - so we have a lot of fans going. I have a ton of water out for the cats, with some ice to keep it cool at least for a little while. I closed all the doors to rooms upstairs in an effort to keep them down where it is cooler but even with the windows open when it got cool at night, the coolest the house has gotten is 80. They are mostly resting - either on the couch in front of the fan, or on the floor which is cooler (though not much). I did put out a couple of long ice packs wrapped in towels for them to lay on if it gets too hot but unfortunately I had to come in to work (good for me because it has AC but I worry about the cats still). Brad is meeting the HVAC guy at 10 our time - so keep your fingers and paws crossed that they can fix it - it is going to get hotter and stormy, which will mean no windows (our windows don't really have any overhang from any sort of awning or roof). I would love any suggestions if you have them on keeping cool if they can't fix it today - I really hate the heat myself but I am more concerned about the cats. right now we have a bunch of fans going but that is about all. Thanks for any suggestions! (Oh, and that is why we haven't visited - it was just to hot to do anything - I can't really even do laundry because the dryer heats up the house).


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh poor yoo. It must be horrible having the hot like that wiv the AC broked. We fink all our dear floofy friends should just lazy around dog as little as possible and sipping ice cold water.

We hope it gets fixed soon.

Anonymous said...

i knows JUST how you guys feel. we has the hots here too, and no AC at all. we has only one tower fan! last week it was 100F every day. it is a small place though, so if we just lie around and not move during the day it is okay. we gets up at night instead now, to drive mommeh totally crazypants and make her lose sleeps.

Rene said...

Yuuuuuuuuuck. Hope it gets fixed soon.

I have used ice packs, wrapped in a towel, and placed them in cat carriers to create a cool spot. Tucker used to like that.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Oh, dear, we can definitely relate....sounds exactly like what we went through a couple weeks ago.......we have windows, but have buildings really close to us, so got very little air movement.......thankfully we had several fans.

It was 100 and over in our apartment for almost a week...us boys laid on the tile entry floor and mama sat in front of a fan, which was just blowing HOT air....she put ice cubes in a baggy and put that on the veins of her arms, (around from the elbow) and that helped her cool off.

We are purring you soon will have air again......xxxxxxxxx

Kea said...

We have no a/c at home at all and it's been about 80F at its coolest on the main level, hotter upstairs. I do have a basement, though, and I put up an air mattress down there, intending to use it for myself. Has a slow leak, though! The cats will hang out down there on it, however. Anni tends to lie on the laminate near a wall, where it's a bit cooler. I keep a ceiling fan in the living room going. They seem to be doing okay--better than I'm doing, at any rate, in the heat and humidity.

Good luck with your a/c repair!

Marg said...

WEll that is really too bad, no AC. Just keep those fans going and the cats will be all right. Hope you and the kitties stay OK. Hope you can get the AC back soon. Try to stay cool

Sweet Purrfections said...

So sorry about the broke AC! It's so hot here and we can't open our windows either! keeping my paws crossed ours doesn't break and that yours can get fixed.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's awful, I sure hope it gets all better soon, we will send cool thoughts your way!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How awful - we were without a/c last week for about 24 hours, and it was just miserable. Mom almost went out to buy one of those free standing a/c units, but they are a bit pricey.

Hope you get cool soon.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

SeaThreePeeO said...

Oh no! We're sorry that your air conditioning broke.

Mum tends to keep the cutrains and blinds drawn to keep the rooms cool.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is terrible! WE hope you will have cool air today!

Remington said...

I certainly hope things cool down for you....

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh yuck! That is awful and I hope it gets fixed today!

My cats will laze around on the Catio until the temperature hits around 101-103. That seems to be their comfort limit. So if you keep it below that I think they'll be OK.

BeadedTail said...

Oh how awful! We hope your A/C gets fixed soon! Sending you cool dreams!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope your AC gets fixed today. Cats seem to cope with heat much better than humans. Flynn will go and sleep in the greenhouse even on our hottest days.

Old Kitty said...

Oh I am so so sorry to hear about your AC not working when you need it most!! Of course me and Charlie will have everything crossed that it'll be fixed asap!!

I think you are doing all you can for the kitties - lots of water and fans are about the best thing for them!

Good luck Amy!!!! We hope your AC gets fixed!! You and Brad take care too!!


Sagira said...

Pheww..bet that is hot. I hope you get your a/c fixed soon.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, do we feel for you! It's gets to be up in the humid 90s with the ac going here. Without it ... we don't even want to remember. We so hope your ac is fixed soon and you can all cool down. Purrs and tail wags.

One Cats Nip said...

Cant think of anything you havent done already!I remember what its like to be smack in the heat of summer without A/C it was actually without any power and in FL heat like 97 outside with 90% humidity EEK! Just keep those fans going!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh, we are so glad our cool air thingy is werkin! We hope ya all are OK until ya get yours back...

Anonymous said...

It already sounds like you are doing as much as you can, so we are crossing paws, fingers, and everything else that your A/C is back on soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope the AC is fixed by now. Better be. I only run the AC in the nursery for the cat and kittens. The rest of us have to deal with triple digits. This way, no need to worry their milk will turn sour (the milk I replace 3 times a day). Suggestions? Too late for that, but we do hose the patio lightly and it really helps. We also hose the cat enclosure daily of course!