Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Barney Eating

So first, I wanted to let you know that I am taking Lola to the vet on Saturday. She is still peeing so I want to be sure that it is just stress and not any other problems - she is older and a bit pudgy, so I want to rule out anything like diabetes or a bladder infection.

And in the pictures the other day the one that made me laugh is the one of Stella with the hose. It is actually a piece of a cord protector - but if you look it kind of looks like she is lipsynching and it is her microphone.

Today we have some pictures of Barney eating. The reason for this is that, well, he is really smart and holds his plate. We use paper plates (ever since the chin acne I have used them) and they tend to slide on the floor. Barney is the only cat that figured out that he should hold the plate so it doesn't slide, so it is easier to eat. Stella usually watches him so I hope she learns it too. The first picture is Barney sitting on the stairs waiting for dinner. Then him eating. He eats on the kitchen table - I started that when he was a kitten to keep his food separate from the older cats, and it just stuck. So now that is where he eats. Anyway, these were just taken about 10 minutes ago - so they are fresh and unedited. Enjoy!!


Cat said...

What a clever boy Barney is to hold his plate still!

White Dog Blog said...

Barney is a smart one! He would be a great teacher for the wee ones if they follow his lead!

Ingrid said...

Barney confirms again that cats always find a solution, lol !
Re Lola I am pretty sure it's the age. Our Lisa started peeing in the whole house when she was about 11. It was terrible, she never used the litter box she just peed under the kitchen table or worse on rags ! I had to check the whole house every day. (and she also had the garden to go out!)
I tried everything, even the vet couldn't find out what it was and she had to take a "happy pill" for a while, but that didn't work either. Finally I found the solution by pure coincidence. As she also started yowling during the nights and we couldn't sleep that was when she was 17, I locked her in Mr. G's office with a litter box and food and left a little light on. From that day on she totally ignored the others, ate, slept and peed (!!!) in her own litter box. No other cat was allowed to go into this room she became very angry. In February she died 18 years old. (and I am still finding places damaged by urine)

Suzanne said...

Aww, now that's genius.

I don't know whether my cats are smart or silly. We use this large pot for their water and one of the cats has a tendency to tip it over (he liked to stand on the handles of it, then splash around in the water and leave little wet footprints all over the floor). We ended up sticking a flat, two pound rock in the pot to make it harder to tip over.

As for Stella, well, monkey see, monkey do.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We've got BIG purrs for the lovely Lola... we sure hope she gets a clean bill of health.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Great pictures. We love how Barney has made that plate work for him.

Sparkle said...

Barney's a smart guy - he gets the food set up just the way he wants it!

My human wants to feed me on paper plates, but I eat the Wellness chunky stuff, and it's a bit runny.

Kea said...

That's very clever of you, Barney!

Good luck to Lola on Saturday, at the v-e-t!

Anonymous said...

He is such a smarty! And we like the last picture of him RAZZIN'...

Brian's Home Blog said...

Way to go Barney, that is very clever!!! We're purring for you Lola!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We are purring for the beautiful Lola.

How smart you are, Barney!!!!!!!!!


cats of wildcat woods said...

Great shots of a really smart Barney! Hope Lola is OK!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Barney - what a good idea to make sure your plate doesn't get away from you!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Purrs for Lola. Barney is a smarty pants!

Grady and Leonardo said...

Barney and the others,
This is Hannah. Wow, thanks guys for stopping by to see the blog yesterday!
You are a very handsome kitty Barney and that looks like yummy food!
Thanks again,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Smart kitty:) Hope all is fine with Lola.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

BeadedTail said...

Barney is very smart to hold his plate down!

We're sending purrs to Lola and hope that everything is okay!

Marg said...

That is too cute. Not only does it hold the plate in place, it brings it closer to his mouth. Love the last one where he is sticking his tongue out at you telling you to quit taking pictures while he is eating. Love the pictures.
Have a great day.

Marg said...

PS, lots of purrs to Lola that everything is all right when she goes to the vet. Lots of purrs Lola.

Rene said...

Wow, he sort of flips it up. What a smart boy he is. Our Tucker is the only one that will stand on a plate to hold it still, but he's never tipped it up like that.

Jacqueline said...

Barney is an adorable, smart boy!...My Nikki used to stand on the paper plates and I thought she was brilliant, but my girls now don't have a clue and chase the plates around, so they usually get their wet food on real plates!...xo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

mayziegal said...

Barney - you're like a super genius kitteh! That was really smart of you to figure that out! I luvs that last picture like - "Ma! Can't a kitteh eat in peace?"

Wiggles & Wags,

Old Kitty said...

Awwww YAY for gorgeous Barney!!! What a clever, clever kitty!!! Oh wow!! I wasn't expecting that at all!! Oh he is a sweetheart!!! Good for Barney!!

And hugs to adorable Lola!! I hope you'll know for certain why Lola is behaving this way so you could have some idea of what to do next!! She's such a sweetie!

Take care

Danielle said...

Aww...that's not a bad idea, Barney!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Barney must be part khanine to be so khlever!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Barney is very clever to put a paw on the plate. I need my little bowl put in a bigger bowl ta keep in in one place. Ayla doesnt have that problem.


The Daily Pip said...

My feline sisters do this with their plates as well - I can't quite master it. Have you tried Cat Attract litter? My mom says it works really well with non-medical peeing issues.

Your pal, Pip

Your Daily Cute said...

Haha. Barney is VERY hungry! Get that plate!!

little princess Luna~ said...

great job barney--you are sooo smart~!! :D
and adorable~!! ;)


Cheyenne -Millie said...

We hope that Lola is ok!!

What a smart kitty you are Barney!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We always knew Barney was clever ~ as well as cute, adorable, gorjuss and sweet! An' it's awesome that he gets to eat ON the table!

Anonymous said...

Barney, you is so smart and handsomes!

Unknown said...

Love the last two shots the most. He's caught whiff of the photographer.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

That is so funny! Clever kitty. I love the tongue sticking out in the last photo :)