Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hi All! Surveillance Works!

Sorry I didn't get the pics up - I was just too tired after work. I had to do a 4 hour webinar on shipping hazardous materials by airplane. I don't even handle the shipping of the hazardous stuff so I am not sure why I had to do it. But I have to take a test tomorrow. And with the other girl in the office out it is just crazy! I will be back to commenting as soon as I can but know I do miss visiting you all!

So, as you can see I have caught the culprit - it is Lola, our angry pee-er. The thing is I would swear she was down here all night. But it is on the tape. I first saw Barney on the bed and thought it was him, but it wasn't. He did look cute though - if I can edit the tape down (it made 2 hour videos and then would start a new one) I will try to get the part of him sitting there. So I guess I will have to do a few things - for now keeping her out of there is my plan (I will just keep the door closed - even when the kittens are out the door can be shut). I will try and give her a bit more attention - just in case she is feeling neglected. And to be safe I am going to keep an eye on her and if necessary I will take her to the vets. I suspected her to be honest - like I said before - kitten pee and ladycat pee aren't as strong smelling as boy cat pee. I have a litter attractant I had used previously with Floyd (though I did realize it was possibly Lola doing some of the peeing I thought was him) and it seemed to attract all the cats. I am going to get the cat litter cabinet set up this weekend upstairs - right now all the litter pans other than kitten pans are downstairs. I do have to admit it is a bit funny because since it isn't the litter box, it is my bed, the pee didn't soak in right away and she must have felt it because she jumps like a mile and then takes off. She wasn't meowing or anything (of course her head is cut off on the tape and it is hard to hear when she does meow) so I really think it is probably just the kitten thing - maybe because she isn't the only girl now. But these two bother her so much less than Virgil and Barney did at this age - even though they are two and Virgil and Barney were only one (at the time - they are two now of course). My guess is it is not Gus, it is Stella that is bugging her. I keep trying to get them to be friends, but Stella is not having it, so Lola isn't a fan of Stella either.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions - I plan to try a bunch of them. I have been using Resolve which seems to get rid of the smell, at least to me. But I know lemon smells can get cats to avoid a place for peeing, and I am going to get some feliway spray for that area. She is peeing in the areas where Floyd used to sleep and where Barney sometimes sleeps - I am not sure why but I think she isn't too mad at me, because she knows where I sleep on the bed. Anyway, I appreciate all of you and all your help and support on this - I know that cat peeing is not a fun topic (because if it hasn't happened to you it makes you start to be paranoid it could - that happened to me) so I am glad you stuck around. Plus it kind of was like a mystery with a lot of suspects. Hopefully I can get this resolved fairly quickly!


Karen Jo said...

I am glad you found out who was doing the peeing. Don't worry about us getting upset about pee talk. I talk about poop all the time. It's something a lot of us have to deal with.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Don't sweat the khomments!!!

Thanks fur the CSI findings!!!


little princess Luna~ said...

Oh no!! We hope your peepee problem is resolved soon~!!


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

It's good you caught the culprit so you know where to start. Jack pees outside of his box, and some of it is the extremely heavy volume of urine output due to chronic renal failure. But in the last couple of months it has seemed very behavioral. Maybe he's just being a crotchety old man. I've tried everything I can think of to please him, but no dice, so I put down lots of newspapers and at least he keeps it on those. Good luck with your problem kitty.

Mishkat said...

I'm really glad you were able to figure out who it was - and it was like a mystery! (In our house it is *always* Dobby - he has anxiety issues.) It is so much easier to deal with when you know who is doing it, and have some idea about why. I agree that a little extra attention for Lola might be good.

Purrs to you, Lola, and the rest of the family.

Jacqueline said...

Surveillance always works, sometimes takes a while, but if you hang in there, you'll find out what you need to know!...Now, you can work with Lola=good luck, hope the problem is solved soon...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Old Kitty said...

Oh wow!! It's great you got the mystery resolved! And it's Lola! I was really thinking it was the kittens just cos they're new. Shows how wrong I could get it.

Well done you and your detective work. Me and Charlie are sending Lola lots of hugs and purrs too. We hope she and Stella become friends soon!

Take care

Brian's Home Blog said...

Lola, smile, you're on candid camera!

pibble said...

Actually, somehow, you made cat peeing a fun topic! I'm glad you were able to find out which kitty was doing the bad deed. Now what?!

Kea said...

I haven't had to contend with this issue and because I have lost my sense of smell, I'm not sure I would know it happened!

Anyway, I'm so glad you caught the culprit and hope that this can be remedied. Good luck!

Cat said...

Great detective work!! Now, we hope you can find a solution for removing the stinkiness left behind by silly Lola. Once, a neighbor cat DARED to enter our house and stay (no one saw her) then we left the house for several days to go to our city house and of course, she was still in the house and instead of using our toilet, she pee'd on Mom's pillow AND Dad's pillow (AND she pooped on them!!) then she pee'd on a couch and a chair, too!! Would you believe the nerve of that cat??? I had a right mind to go to her house and do all sorts of nasties to it, but I am a gentlemancat and I held myself back, but it was hard. Mom and Dad were NOT very happy...they would have been angry if it was us (we would NEVER do that!!), but since it was an INTROODER, they were furious!! Cat pee is not funny to remove...good luck. May evfurryone in your house use their own proper toilet!!! Purrs, Lautrec

Rene said...

Hi Amy,

Has anyone suggesting putting Rescue Remedy in the water (or dabbing a little directly on the inside of Lola's ears)? It's highly regarded as a calming agent. I've used it here with good results.

Pip said...

Awww poor Lola. It is hard to get used to new things.
When we first got TK, he had a major peeing issue. Mostly he pee'd on my husband's things. (Golf clubs, office carpet etc.) It took awhile to get it straight. We tried the Felway stuff to no avail. Eventually the key became knowing that he wanted to please me. Then it was a matter of catching him to show him it did not please me. It's the only time I have ever yelled at him and it had a big impact on him. (We had a big snuggle after that, he really was so sad.)
In that time we came across a product called "Anti-icky Poo" the stuff ROCKS. It is a biologic agent that you lay down then clean up 24-48 hours later. It actually eats the odor-causing bacteria.

We wish you luck, and hope Lola gets happier real soon.

Mo said...

I would suggest buying a waterproof mattress cover (~$15-30) to protect your bed until the issue is resolved.

The seems like territory marking behavior (viewing the kittens as interlopers on HER turf).

Anonymous said...

We, too, have a peeing culprit and it's Cricket. She's going in for her spay and shots on the 30th, so hopefully it will stop then. She's making our bathroom sinks her purrsonal toilet!

Anonymous said...

Poor Lola! We hope you can get this sorted out soon.

Anonymous said...

It's like that game of Clue that my mom told me about. It was Lola in the bedroom with cat-pee! I know. It didn't make much sense to me either.

Well, I'm glad you caughts the culprit red-pawed and can now proceed to rehabilitate her so that she's fit for society again.

Oh, and let's keep this whole video surveillance thingie between us, 'kay? I'm not sure mom and dad really needs to know what we do when they go out.

Wiggles & Wags,

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh we are sorry yoo are having "pee" problems ~ but we feel confident it will all sort out in the end. And Lola is way too cute not to be completely forgiven.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

At least ya know who it is - that's half the battle!

Maggie May said...

Awesome idea about the surveillance camera!!! Glad you've found the culprit and hopefully you can get the problem resolved. We have been pee pee free since Sunday here at our house. Maggie May is only using Cat Attract and no longer clothes, towels or bed linens.

One Cats Nip said...

Oh Lola, hopefully the extra attention is she needs. Silly kitty if she thinks another cat could replace her!

Sagira said...

Oh man...dealing with cat pee is no fun. We had a cat that peed on our couches. So embarrassing. :(

The Misadventures Of Me said...

When we was younger we liked to pee on the carpets with the rubber backing. Theres jus sumfin bout that rubber that smells soooo gud to pee on! MOL


Lynx217 said...

Litter attracter? Hmmm, wonder if this will make Jadzia quit pooping all over the apartment while we sleep. We have no idea why she's started up with this. The box gets scooped at least twice a day and there's plenty... nothing's changed, I even made it more accessible for her. Nothing's working. I'll have to see if I can find some that's not expensive. Thanks for the idea even though you didn't intend it!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I could have told you for sure that your peeeeeeer was not my Sweet Barney. He would never ever do something like that. Now that you figured things out the hard part begins. What to do about it. Argh! Good Luck!!

White Dog Blog said...

Mystery solved and we are glad. Give Ms. Lola lots of extra love and reassurance. Good luck on the test.

the booker man said...

uh oh, miss lola, you've been caught! at least you are gonna get some extra lovins out of it. :)
the booker man