Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hi Everyone!

I know we haven't commented in a few days - I have a new only comment on weekdays thing going - but I wanted to let everyone know we will be a bit behind on that for this week too. Unfortunately, my uncle's mom passed away this weekend so we are heading up to Milwaukee to the wake tonight. That will be taking away a big chunk of comment time. She was 85 and was a very cool lady - she will be missed, but she had a very good, full life and luckily wasn't "sick" for too long (though she probably was and just didn't know it - she went in the hospital about 2 weeks ago and they discovered she had lukemia). She even had fun at the end of her life - the retirement home she lived in had a bar downstairs (I am so living there when I get older) and she even had a boyfriend! Since my parents passed away my aunt and uncle are my closest relatives (my mom's sister and her husband) and I know this has to be tough on them - two of his brothers are sick too. So if you could send over some good comforting thoughts that would be great. They are the aunt and uncle with the cavaliers (and 2 cats too) who I talked about the other day.

Anyway, we will be back to commenting tomorrow in catch up mode - I got behind because I was working on some NKC stuff (and if anyone knows how to create a static page that won't show gadgets - email me how please) and so I only visited a few friends. But we are reading everything - just a bit slowly!

I hope you all had a great weekend - ours was mostly lazy - the cats slept a lot as usual.

There are new kitten pics up - you can click the link in the sidebar. I hope to get some more of our own cats up this week - I got a few cute ones of Barney. And Barney will be doing a post about Gracie at some point this week.

Well, I am getting a bit rambling now (tired) so I hope you don't mind! We miss visiting you all and send you lots of hugs til we can comment again!!


Brian's Home Blog said...

We are very sorry to hear about your Uncle's Mom, we send our best purrs to you and the family.

Remington said...

I am sorry to hear of your loss. Travel safe....

Deborah said...

I am so sorry for your loss, she must have been wonderful! Blessing,

Kea said...

We're so sorry your uncle's mom passed away. But what a cool lady! Our human loves the idea of a retirement home with a bar--and gee, a boyfriend to boot!

Sending you all lots of purrs and universal healing Light during this difficult time.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We send our purrs/prayers/thoughts to all your family!!!!

umi_e said...

we are so sorry to hear about the lost of your relative :(

We pray and purr for you and members of the family.

take care


The Creek Cats said...

Sending you and your family lots of comforting vibes. So sorry for your loss.

Lisa Kolosey said...

We're sorry for your loss...

~Lisa Co9T

PS. We ususally can only comment on weekdays too. I actually have more time when I'm at work.

Dog Foster Mom said...

I only comment on weekdays too! :-) I am sorry to hear about your uncle's mom. Have a safe trip and don't worry about not commenting - we'll be here when you get back! :-)

Marg said...

That is so sad about your Uncle's Mom passing. Wow, a retirement home with a bar, right down our Mom's alley. Sounds like she did have a wonderful life. Good for her.

Sagira said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It is good that she wasn't sick or in pain for long. That retirement center sounds like a great place :)

Jacqueline said...

Very sorry to hear about your Uncle's Mom; wishing your family comfort and peace at this difficult time...Have a safe trip and take care Amy...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Old Kitty said...

Oh Amy

I am so so sorry to hear about your loss. Please accept my deepest condolences and sympathy for you and your family.

Your uncle's mum sounds like she was an amazing woman - living her life as we all should - to the full and with love and adventure and joie de vivre!

Good for her! What an inspiration.

I also hope that your uncle's brothers will recover and get better.

All the best to you all.

take care
p.s. Me and Charlie look forward to Barney's post about Gracie!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy. So sorry to hear about loss. She sounded like a cool lady. My prayers are with you and your family today.

I love the new picture you have up of the kitties.

Paws & Whiskers,
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

She sounds like she was a great lady that loved life to the fullest! We are sending purrs of comfort!

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Sending you gentle purrs and (((HUGS)))

little princess Luna~ said...

awwww--so sorry for your loss. :(


Katnip Lounge said...

Our condolences to you on your loss.

We'll be here when you get back. Drive safely.

xx lounge kats

Cindy said...

So sorry about your Uncle's Mom. I'm sure you will miss her a lot.

White Dog Blog said...

Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your Uncle's mom. She sounds like we could all learn a lesson from the fullness of her life! Travel safely and don't get stressed about commenting, we all understand.

BeadedTail said...

We're so sorry to hear about your loss and are sending you purrs, grrs and safe travel thoughts.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Sorry for your loss -

That sounds like a great place to hang out!

And she sounds totally KHOOL!

Safe Travels!


Cheyenne -Millie said...

We send our condolences to you about your uncle's mom. We send lots of purrs to you!

Quill and Greyson said...

So sorry for your loss. Purrs and Mom hugs.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We aew so sorry to hear yoor sad noos. We're sending purrs to help everybuddy feel better.

Forever Foster said...

We are sorry to hear about your loss. Purrs.

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was one heck of a lady, and lived a full life right to the end. Sympathy purrs coming your way.

Anonymous said...

We're very much sorry to hear about your uncle's mom. I'm glad she wasn't sick for too long and that she had a happy life! We're sending you and your family lots of hugs and pawsitive thoughts.

Wiggles & WAgs,

Rene said...

My sympathies on your loss. She sounds like she had a full life right up until the end--a retirement home over a bar. now that's a place to live!

My Mind's Eye said...

We are very sorry for your loss...drive safely,
Madi and Mom

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I am sorry to hear of your mom's family having a loss. Let her know they are in my thoughts. Please tell your mom and dad to drive carefully as they go on their journey.
When your mom gets back have her look at tomorrow's post of mine. I think you will enjoy it.

meowmeowmans said...

Sorry for your loss. Your Uncle's mom sounds like she was a wonderful person. Purrs and prayers for you and your family.

Love Meow said...

We are so sorry for your loss :(. My heart goes out to you and the family.

We will keep you in our purrs and prayers.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Dont worry about not commenting often. We visit friends we like and we leave comments when we can and it doesnt have ta be balanced...

Our purrs to you for your loss.