Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hi All!

So, I hope that this week is going good for you so far. Mine is going ok - unlike last week. I just wish the weather would be nicer - it is chilly today and it is going to rain later, which is probably why my allergies are acting up (and so giving me a very fun headache!) I love spring but could do without the constant headaches! And Barney would like his eyes to have a break too.

The vet visit was good on Saturday - Barney is up to 13 pounds. He is ok, his eyes are just allergies and we got him new antihystamines. He is not really bulgy, he is just really pear shapped - I don't remember if any of the other cats were that way at this age - I know Virgil wasn't, but since I was bad and don't really have any pics of the others til they are older, it is hard to judge. Kirzon does have some redness in his mouth but we caught it early - he is on amoxicillin for that. I think it would help if he didn't rub on the shower doors, and the garbage can, and anything else he can find. He had been rubbing more, which is how I knew he needed to get in. He is at 10 pounds, which is great. They also gave us laxatone for the hairballs. He still needs to get a bath too so I can get the fur out (he does get the furminator but that only helps so much because he is hard to get brushed well since he loves it on his face and constantly is turning around to get it brushed - a bath is ususally the best with him).

The visit itself went ok - Barney yelled the whole way there, then had an accident in the carrier. And as soon as I had him out and tried to clean it up, Kirzon dove in, so I had to get him out to clean it. Then Barney didn't want to get in the carrier (even though I cleaned it and it was fine, no smell or anything) and so I had to swtich Kirzon to that one and Barney to the other one (Kirzon was in one of the old ones and Barney in the new one - Kirzon when straight in when I switched him). Barney even hid behind the sink faucet at one point, so he was a little hard to grab to get in at all.

I rested all weekend - I was just so tired after this past week, then I had a headache on Sunday. Both Barney and Kirzon forgave me quickly for taking them because they were snuggly pretty much as soon as we were home. We did get treats from the vets which I gave them some, then they kept stealing the bag and spreading them everywhere. It was frustrating but also funny. So overall it was a good weekend. I didn't really get anything I needed to get done accomplished (I have to do laundry when I get home tonight or I will have nothing for work tomorrow), but that is how it is a lot of the time!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and can't wait to catch up and see what everyone has been up to!!


Ariel said...

"Boy" you've been busy.I hope your allergies and headache went away.

Anonymous said...

Wow what a weekend you had! We're glad the kitties are OK, though!

Remington said...

You HAVE been busy! I hope you are feeling better soon!

Noll's Nip said...

Hi...sorry we haven't been visiting lately, we've been busy and distracted. You sound like you had a lot going on. Hope you get all caught up and those pesky allergies go away!

Kea said...

Lots of purrs for Barney and Kirzon, I'm glad things went reasonably well at the vet, accidents notwithstanding.

Sagira said...

Sounds like you have been busy. Glad everything went okay at the vet visit :)

The Creek Cats said...

Glad the vet visit went well! Happy Monday to you!

Jacqueline said...

Glad the vet visit is over and they are doing well...Happy week friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Marg said...

You made me tired just hearing about who was going in which carrier etc. Your life sounds like mine.
I have found that when I take the cats to the vet and bring them home, they think I have rescued them so they love me even more Hope you get a little bit of rest this week.

Anonymous said...

My mom said she couldn't help but laugh cuz she's had the "joy" of taking 2 kitteh to the vet, too. Sister Abby is pretty easy but Brudder Ripley threatens dire harm if "not released and returned to my quarters at once!"

Glad you survived and the visit went well; and I hopes the allergies go away real soon!

Wiggles & Wags,

Old Kitty said...

Oh Amy!!

I am so glad the the visit to the vets turned out ok health wise for Barney and Kirzon - glad they are ok. What an adventure getting there though! :-) Well done you!! I did give out a big "aaaaaaaaaaaaw" reading about Barney hiding behind the sink!!

I'm sorry your allergies are acting up! Oh dear! :-( And the headaches must be tiring you out. So please take care of yourself too.

Glad that you all cuddled up together after though. Here's hoping for a more tranquil week ahead.

take care

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Amy good to hear the kitties rec'd good news at the Vet...this weather is horrible on allergy suffers. I feel for you. It mainly effects my eyes thus I have to take the contacts out and I really don't like glasses they bother me to no end. Madi says thank you very much for your kind words....she has to watch her womanly figure so treats are few but appreciated when rec'd. Last year's vet appt it was insinuated that she was on her way to being a plus size...but we say more to love.
Madi and Mom

Katnip Lounge said...

Two at once? Insanity! We need two Beans to take just One of us!
Mommy salutes you.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh dear Amy! Just popping by to leave you a basket of May flowers on your doorstep to cheer you up a little...they have raindrops on them...it is raining lightly at the cozy cottage and mommy loves that sooooo much. We understand the story of playing lets get caught up before we get more behind...mommy always loses that game.

The Kitty Krew said...

Crazy weekend it sounds like...hope your headache gets/got better!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure am glad the vet visit was uneventful, that's the only way to go!

Unknown said...

Well... I agree confinement is not fun. I hope you all are feeling better. Don't get on your mom too much. Just enjoy the film festival to take your mind off things.

The Monkeys said...

It's chilly here too! We actually had a bit of snow on Sunday morning!

Good to hear that Barney is doing well.

BeadedTail said...

We're glad the vet visit was okay and that the boys are doing well! Hope you feel better soon too!

White Dog Blog said...

With a schedule like yours, no wonder you have a headache! Feel better. Glad to hear there are no real vet "issues" with the boys... sounds like all will be fine in no time! Yeah!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Glad the visit went well save fur the - ummm, woo know!

Hope this week will find woo feeling better too!


Cory Clark said...

Sorry to hear about your allergies - that's no fun. It's dusty in this new townhouse & we all sneeze a lot. Thankfully no headaches, hope those stay away for you!

We are now located in the northwest suburbs of Chicago - I laugh because it's called the suburbs of the city when we're about 45 minutes away! Go figure.

Have a great week!

Nico & JayJay (& Cory too) :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We have made The Big Thing read this post so he unnerstands how good he has it wif us.

An it werked! He read it it an gave us treats fer bein so good at vet visits...

tekorin said...

We're glad to hear that vet visit went well!

How's your headache now?
Please take a good rest and get well soon!!!

umi_e said...

It seems you are really busy with the boys ;)

* Have a good rest *

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You have had a weekend and a half for sure. Glad the vet wasnt too bad. You try and take care of yourself.. Hugs GJ x

Anonymous said...

adventures, adventures!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We hope the weather improves (ours too!) and that both you and all the kitties are up to 100% soon!

loki said...

That was quite a weekend! Nanny feels your pain, she having problem too with allergies and headache. Hope you feel better soon!

Loki and Nanny