Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Good Old Kitties!

So in our house at least, the good kitties are the senior kitties. See, as most of you know Barney and Virgil are in the Naughty Kitty Club (Barney being founder and Virgil his second in command). But Lola and Kirzon, well, they just aren't really naughty at all. They are good kitties. So we were so excited when Inigo at Rumblebum started the Good Kitty Club I knew we had to get Kirzon and Lola in! Then, a while later, Sammy and Andy from Sammy and Andy's Meowsville started a Kool Senior Kitty Club for Kitties who are 8 years or older! And that would be Kirzon and Lola too! So we knew we had to join that one for them too! We are super excited to have members in both clubs - we love kitty clubs! So I wanted to post their badges (it will probably take me a while to actually get them in the sidebar).

Oh, also, I still haven't gotten any of our awards up - I am so bad about that and since I am trying to get things set for the kittens on Sunday I haven't really been doing too much right now. But I will be getting them up - I promise!!

Don't forget to visit us tomorrow for Friends on Friday! Oh, and don't forget, if you know anyone in CT who can help a couple of kitties, that woudl be awesome - there is a link a couple posts down from here! Thanks!!


Brian's Home Blog said...

Good clubs fur sure, but I'm not old enough for the one yet!

Remington said...

Can doggies be in the clubs? Or do we have to start our own....?

Jacqueline said...

Congratulations beautiful Lola and handsome Kirzon on your memberships to such kool klubs!!...We sure hope those CT babies get adopted together soon...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Anonymous said...

Mom says she is going to do a post about us old kitties too. We are the good ones around here. We are so glad that Sam and Andy are doing the old kitty club.
We are so excited about your kittens coming home. Can't wait for pictures.
Have a great day.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hmmmm, we need to get some dog clubs going or else get you kitties to let us be honorary members:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Old Kitty said...

Awww Lola and Kirzon are adorable senior kitty club members as well as being sweet good kitties too!

Me and Charlie adore their badges! Lovely!

We also hope that those two gorgeous ginger tabbies find a home together soon.

Take care

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Congratulations on the club's

Anonymous said...

Excellent clubs!!!

loki said...

Sounds like great clubs. Like your Mommy, I feel like it hard to keep up with everything.

BeadedTail said...

Those are both very honorable clubs! Concats to you both!

mayziegal said...

Mayzie's mom here.

We have two senior kitties in our house. Abby, who is a senior AND a good cat. And Ripley, who is also a senior and, well, is NOT a good cat. Nope. No two ways around it. He's endlessly entertaining, but decidedly NOT good. I keep waiting for the "good cat" thing to kick in with him. Which I'm sure it will. Just any day now. Right?

Sagira said...

Bet you're so excited for Sunday. :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We have joined the Seniors club too and I joined the Good Kitty Club. Flynn wants to join but I don't think he is good enough.

Anonymous said...

That's pawsome that there is a club for senior kittizens. My two are just young whipper-snappers...well, sort of, but when they're old enough. . . . .

Zona said...

Thanks for stopping by my bloggie!! I've never met any kitties before even though one of my favorite two-leggers has seven indoor and three outdoor!! I'm overdue for a meeting. My big sister LOVES kitties but my little sister is scared of them. BOL!! Don't tell her I told you.

It's so nice to meet all of you! I am about to unveil a theme day and was thinking of Friendly Friday for a variety of reasons. I see that you have a similar theme. Do you mind if we share??


Angel Simba said...

Welcome to the good kitty club. Technically I could join the senior club but I am in denial about being senior right now, since I am "just" 8.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You have got some great badges there congrats on those. I hope the two babies get adopted together. Hugs GJ x

Katnip Lounge said...

The Baby and Kona are going to join the senior club but there is NO WAY The Baby could EVAR get into the good club! That cat is bad to the bone.
CocCats on your badges!

Pip said...

We is SO glad Lola and Krizon gets to has clubs too. We can be clubmates! It's fun to be in clubs.

White Dog Blog said...

It is wonderful that Lola and Kirzon have clubs of like-minded friends. Older, cooler heads help keep the peace and order among the youngsters.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I wonder which khlubhouse we'd visit furst!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

little princess Luna~ said...

hello my precious kittehs~!
hoorah for clubs~!! :D

hmmmm--maybe mumsy and i should come up with some sorta club too....hummmm *brainstorming* ;)


Cory Clark said...

Congratulations on joining all of those clubs!! That's awesome!

Our Mom also wanted to say - success!! We were both posting our news in the wrong place - there's a special link on the sidebar for announcements for the CB - So Mom resent the info about the kitties in CT & she also sent along the info you posted about Dog Foster Mom. All of the info is up on the CB now!!! Unfortunately, it says that the info came from us, not you. We're so sorry about that!! But hopefully now both sites will get much more attention!

Nico & JayJay :)

Ps. I think we're members of the Naughty Kitty Club - & if we aren't, we should be!! Hehe! We know you're really REALLY busy, but when you get a chance, could we possibly get badges for our blog?? (NO RUSH!!)

Debra Taylor said...

Those badges are great! My older kitties aren't old enough to join. But I hope some day they will be!

For other folks (I consider cats and dogs as persons) reading this, my blog has stories and information helpful for cat caretakers everywhere.

I wish for all the cat blogosphere kitties to stay well!



Mishkat said...

We love the new badges - well done! (We're not sure we qualify for any of those clubs except maybe the Naughty one!)

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We love kitty clubs too. It's so great that you'll have kittens at home. Congrats on winning the Torttoes contest.

Karen Jo said...

You joined some great clubs. I like your badges very much. I joined the Good Kitty club, too.


The Monkeys said...

We're back to let you know that you won our Tort-Toes contest! Congrats, you guys! Please contact our Mom to let her know your mailing address so she can have your prizes sent to you!

Anonymous said...

Cool clubs! Mama might have to enter us one day! We're excited about the kittens, too!

Your Daily Cute said...

Those are great clubs! Pimp should be in both of them! ;)