Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Contest at Tesla's Blog

I accidently posted this at the NKC, but it is kinda naughty so I left a copy there - but this is our offical entry!!

So our friend Tesla from The World of Hansel is having a contest to win some great, pet safe cleaning products. All you have to do to enter is list the most interesting place you pee. Well, as the mom, I can tell you that with 4 cats (plus, if you count Floyd's places, 5) we have had a few interesting places. My coat was on the table - peed on. Their boogie mats - all peed on. Clean laundry - why yes, peed on. Luckily most of these are not too recent. Although I am pretty sure we caught Virgil peeing on the tree from my parents house this weekend. They are usually pretty good, but accidents to happen. I think the tree is in soil that was peed on by my cats growing up - I don't think the dirt was ever changed, so that would explain that one. I think some of it was Floyd when he was sick (plus he was a pee-er) or Lola being angry (ok, that reminds me - Lola peed on me when I tried to bring her down to see the new floors - angry pee because if she pees on you she knows you will put her down quick). And when we get the little ones, well, there are bound to be accidents (they can't help it sometimes at that age). We also hope that it works with barf as there are quite a few hairballs since it is spring. So that is our entry for the contest. If you want to enter head on over to Tesla & Hansel's blog at take a look!

ETA: We didn't post the item we would pick originally, but we would get the carpet product because well, it is really what we need the most. For the cats, of course!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom is so glad that Ciara trained so quickly. Most of her accidents either hit the newspapers, the floor, or one of the doggy beds. TD and Phantom are not too upset about the beds because there are rumors about new ones coming in a bit.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

Good Luck! That's a great entry!

Marg said...

Wow, that really is a good entry. So lots of luck to you. We will go look but we know we can't top that.
Have a great day.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yep, that might cover it...so to speak!

kissa-bull said...

how can you NOT win wiff all those pee's teehe
many lucks to you

pibble wiggles
the pittie pack

Remington said...

Good one! Best of luck!

Old Kitty said...

Awww what a fun contest - very funny!! I hope you win! I think Lola peeing when she's mad is a classic! :-)

Oh your soon to be littlest kittest are gonna be great at this contest! LOL!! I'm so trying to think of any interesting places my cats have peed on and I come up with bed, carpet, sofa. Not very interesting places!

Good luck!

take care

Sagira said...

Thanks, we just left them a comment about our bad sister Hannah.

White Dog Blog said...

I am not having a good cat day, one of the neighborhood cats killed one of my baby birdies and left him half eaten in the yard. Sorry, I know all your cats are not like that! Mom and dad almost dispaired when I was getting trained because I would ONLY pee on the expensive persian carpet. Good luck with your entry. Sorry for venting.

Anonymous said...

Cool! We'll stray on over to check it out:)

Gattina said...

I couldn't participate, no interesting pee places here. Either it's the litterbox in the garage often when the wether is bad or they all pee outside.
But we had a cat who peed on us too when she was angry, lol !

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ooo thanks for the tip!

Forever Foster said...

We're sorry. We couldn't help but giggle a little bit when we read about Lola's attack pee. It is a little bit funny.

TwoSpecialWires said...

In our opinion, you've got a winning entry. We think we'll refrain from describing our pee pee potty particulars. We wouldn't want to damage our reputation. (ha!)

Jake and Fergs xxoo

Baby Patches said...

OMC! Dat is a lot of pee-ing MOL hehehe Well I guess it happens but momma says she has been fortunate in dat area wif us kitties.

Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

Hiya! I'm just coming by to see why you haven't been by my bloggie. HAHA! Nooooo! I'm just joking! You very much shouldn't worry if you can't get to all the posts. With my mom being out lately, we're just gonna do what we can and not worry about the rest. Your furends will understand, and like somebuddy else said, it should be a want to, not a have to. Just start over, like Madi said.

Wiggles & Wags,

Love Meow said...

Great entry :). Best of luck! xoxo

purrs purrs!

White Dog Blog said...

Thanks for the kind words about the baby birdie. I know there are many homeless cats that have no choice but to hunt and I am sure Quinn, when he was a stray probably ate things he would not be proud of...but most of the kitties in our 'hood have homes, their owners just allow them to roam!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The best place we ever knowed a cat ta pee was down the bathtub drain. LC did that when she was young. MOL!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

I went pea once where my human sister's new husband sat! I didn't much likes him!

Anonymous said...

sigh. i do not love the sis-ter. i do not think i ever will. i do not know how you guys get along with five kittehs over there.