Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Well, I guess it is my turn!

Hi Everyone, Kirzon here. I guess it is my turn to post (after me is Lola, who will probably post next week - mom was going to go in age order but then I had my vet visit so she changed it up). For those of you who don't know, I am the oldest of the kitties here at the House of Cats. I am 13 years old but if you ask me I don't look a day over 10. Being the oldest means it is my responsibility to keep the younger cats in line. That is tough because they are either wild and crazy (Barney and Virgil) or old and cranky (Lola). Barney wants to be the leader so much, but he is still jut a baby so that is never going to happen. Anyway, what I wanted to post about today is my weekend trip to the vet.

So Saturday started out normal, I sat and stared at mom til she got up. I also tried digging in her head but that didn't work either. Then the noisemaker thing started to beep and she got up. That seemed weird since it was not a work day, and not the normal time it beeps. But I didn't worry about it because I was hungry and knew that it meant food. So mom got up but didn't give us our food, and I knew something was up. She went and got the carrier so I knew someone had to go to the Vet that day - I just didn't realize until it was too late that it was me!

So after the terrible car ride there (I HATE the car) I was taken out and weighed - 10 pounds even. Not too bad but mom told them that I seemed to have lost weight - which is true because my teeth hurt! So they looked at the last time I was in and I did weigh more, but I had tooth pain then too, and so I had gained after the yucky medicine and just started loosing again the past couple weeks (which I think is why I had to go through all this). I tried to hide behind the sink but they saw me and caught me. I tried again, and again, I was caught, so I just decided to sulk. The vet came in and took some blood, and checked my teeth and he said they were yucky again (or something like that). He told mom to call Monday and she said something about teeth cleaning on the 15th. He said that is good and that the test results will be back on Monday (today). It should be good but they are just being safe.

So I went back in the carrier and then mom was talking to the lady (I couldn't tell who from the carrier) about medicine (yuck - I am sure it is for me after the check up) and how I shouldn't eat at some point on the 14th. That doesn't sound good to me - last time that happened I had to go back to the vet the next day. Then mom said that we would see them the 15th for my teeth cleaning! Oh no! I hate it so much! Last time they left me there for hours and I woke up all groggy! But I didn't have tooth problems for a long time after that, so I guess I have to trust mom.

We got home and I ate breakfast and all was well, until later when she gave me some of the yuckiest medicine on earth! I have had it before and know it is gross so I really fought mom on it, but she ended up winning. She has been giving it to me twice a day ever since - blech! But I guess it made my teeth feel better last time, so I shouldn't complain. I am still being nice to mom, even though she makes me take the yucky stuff. At least for now.

So that was my very un-fun weekend! I hope you all had a better one.

Mom said for me to let you know that she will have some pictures up later on of us - if we let her take some that is!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Kirzon, it is good that you are getting those teeth taken care of so they don't hurt ans make you sick.

The Creek Cats said...

So sorry to hear you had to go to the vet Kirzon! Purring for your teefers to get better. Make sure you take your medicines!

Puddin said...

Aww poor Kirzon! I'm sorry you have to take yucky medicine. It will make you feel better so you better behave handsome mankitty. Hope your teeth feel much better. :D


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Poor Kirzon. That all sounds pretty yucky. And more horrible medicine and another visit looming. But hopefully that one will be that and the vet will then leave you in peace for a while (it's never forever, we know THAT!).

Cindy said...

Poor kitty! I'll bet not eating breakfast was the worst part, or the medicine, or knowing you have to go back, or...

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It was khwite the purrrrrfekht & pawesome way to start the new year!


Anonymous said...

We've never had to have any icky medicines but we feel for you. Just think about your teefs feeling better......

PS Riding in the car makes me pee my pants. ~jane

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Nooooooo, you cannot have the teeth cleaned on the 15th. You see, now this is a secret so don't tell anyone, that is my first birthday and I am having a party. If you get your teeth cleaned they will just get dirty right away as I will have lots of eats at my party. Hope you make it after you are done at the vet. I was going to ask if Barney could be my personal guest for that day. I would like to get to know him better as someone, which I won't say, said he thinks I am cute and has a crush. We are both young ones so it will be fun to have a special friend to help me celebrate. I am a little worried because I just read where it said that Barney was wild and crazy. Oh well, that is probably because he is still young. Remember all is a secret, the invitations will go out next week.

Donna said...

O hai! I likes ur site. It has green letters and sparkly stuffs. :) Happy 2010!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I don't like car rides either because it usually means the Vet! I hope the medicine and appointment next week help.

HubbleSpacePaws said...

Awwww, Kirzon! Don't worry... it may not be fun, but just like the beans, you'll feel much better once your teeth are in good shape!

BeadedTail said...

We're sorry you have to go back to the vet Kirzon but your teefs will be all better so it'll be worth it. Purrs to you!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Not the vet! Jack goes every 3 months for bloodwork, and he takes yucky medicine twice a day. I go every 6 months in the big carrier with Jack so I am less distressed (I don't cry then). We are both 13 too!

CCL Wendy said...

Kirzon, your mommy does these things because she loves you so much and wants to keep you around a long time! So just suck it up (literally) and go with the flow. That's a good boy!

Cory said...

It may be no fun at all, but you do need to take care of those teeth! Looks like there is a party in your future!

The Island Cats said...

Kizron...we're glad your vet visit is over at least for now...we hope your teefs cleaning goes well and your teefs stop hurting then...

The Monkeys said...

Medicine and teeth cleaning don't sound very fun, but you'll feel amazing after!

ButterBean said...

sorry about your vet visit and the medicines hope it gets betters

Forever Foster said...

Oh man! What a pain in the patootie. We hope the medicine does you good, and that you feel better very soon.

Milo and Alfie said...

Hi Kirzon,

It's a pity yoo are haffing trubble wiv yoor teef. Much sympathy. But we think you are right, yoor mom knows best. keep taking the medicine even tho it's yucky.

Tell barney to pop over to our place today (Tuesday) 'cos there's a post espeshully for him.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I bet it did taste yucky...but ya gotta keep them toofers in shape!

My Mind's Eye said...

Kirzon!!! You are so right you do not look a day over 10!!! Madi said to tell you she feels bad for you taking yucky meds but Mom's know best so just open up and swallow!!!
Oh I hate car rides too. My vet is only 8 min. from the house. Mom says I meow a million times a minute too. We hope your teeth cleaning goes well.
Madi and Mom