First, we got the Sunshine Award, from Mrs H, Darcy and Bingley's mom, at Happiness Kindeled. It is a very pretty award and we love that she chose to give it to us. We have to pass it on to 10 others, and since we haven't seen it around too much, we think we were able to get 10 blogs that don't already have it. They are listed below the picture.

Puddin' at My Kitty Adventures
Epic at Epic's Journal
Amanda at Tabby Times
Pirulo at Pirulo's Furry Thoughts
Gracie at Gracie the Gray Girl
Billy Sweetfeets at Dancing with Billy Sweetfeets
Chloe at Honeygo Beasley
Pierro at Pierro's Happy Place
Peaches at Siamese Peaches
Sunny at Sunny's Paw
So, the next award we have is from Zoolatry - Ann does a lot of awesome graphics for all the kitties out there, so we are honored to get an award from her!
There are no rules with this one, so we are just going to post it!

Finally, Jasmine at Macadamya was giving the Powerful Friends award to all her friends - and since we are her friends (and since I like the Powerpuff Girls) we took it! Since she posted for everyone, we are going to do the same!

Congratulations on all your awards!
KhonKhats on your awards!
Anytime woo want, woo khan award me some of your SNOW!
You got the coolest awards!!! But then again y'all are way cool!
Congratulations on the awards. That first one is very pretty.
You are so deserving. Congratulations on your awards ... and what nice choices you made for passing them on.
Respectfully and admiringly
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Congratulations on your awards!
concatulations on your awards!!! Your right that first one is gorgeousss
Congratulations on your awards!!!
How exciting!!!!
Well done you guys!!!
we are furry happy for all your awardies
vewy deserving
pibble sugar
the houston pittie pack
YAY and concats on the well deserved awards. xxxxxxx
Thank you so much for my award Amy and the House Cats!! I reallly really appreciate it!! You guys are amazing to me and totally part of my blog fam!! And also congratulations on all of your awards! You completely deserve them so keep up the good work because I love stopping by your blog. =)
CongratS! That's a lot of awards.
Congratulations on your awards, you deserve them. And thank you for passing me one. Oh, I'm excited, the second award for my bloggy!
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