Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

What a Day!

So I was having a crappy day today - too many sick friends out in the blogosphere, work is just ridiculous, and I just didn't feel well. Well, when I got home I saw there was a package on the front porch - I was very excited. I got there and couldn't believe it - it was the hairy blanket that we got from Peggy! I was so surprised it was here already - and boy were the kitties excited! I went from crappy day to good day! So first off, here are the pictures of the kitties exploring the package, checking out the blanket and trying out the awesome toys with it (Barney stole the package before I could open them - plus he also loved the box!!) Kirzon has claimed it as his own already (although I am thinking they will share it eventually). It is perfect because it has little silver hairs mixed in, which remind me of the little white guard hairs he has in his black fur. He is sitting on it next to me right now.

So I also have some other pictures, which I had planned to post originally. They are of Barney sitting by the small trees I put up (that is all I have done so far as far as the decorations go). He is not supposed to be up there - he is being naughty by doing so. And since we missed Alfie Marshall's gotcha day we told him that Barney would do something naughty just for him. Barney looks like he is being good there, but he was biting the tasty trees for a long time before and after that.

Also, I had to mention one more Barney story - he is getting very smart. The kitties all get their food on paper plates, because we had a bout of chin acne last year, but the paper plates are light weight so they move when they eat their food (it is the squishy canned stuff - the crunchy is in a glass bowl). I have always hoped they would figure out that they could put their foot on the plate to hold it still but none had. Until now. Barney has totally figured it out. I haven't gotten a pcture yet but will try to do so.

Also we will probably not have a big post tomorrow because I have a big tribute for Floyd on Wednesday. It is VERY long but I think you will enjoy it.


Noll's Nip said...

Love the last photo. So pretty!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

If only woo would have khlosed up the box...woo khould have sent me my own khute khytty!

I got a one of the furry nice blankies fur my Doggy Nanny! We saw the kholours and knew they just skhreamed her!


kittykye said...

Hah, it's funny how they always love the box ;)
Love the pretty coloured Christmas trees you have!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is such a lovely blankie! Peggy is so talented!

We also love Barney's tree photos!

The Monkeys said...

Wow, that's a great fuzzy blanket! We love those!

Amazing pictures

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We got ours today, too. We are going to open it soon. Great pictures.

One Cats Nip said...

barney is a smartie! and super cute too!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Barney is so cute inside the box!

Cory said...

Oh my goodness so many cute pictures! I love them all, but Barney in a box is just too cute for words!

Your Daily Cute said...

So many adorable pictures! Love the Barney-in-the-box pictures and that blanket looks so comfy!

Milo and Alfie said...

Oh I love the pics of Barney ~ he looks innocence personified. Tee hee!

Milo xx

Barney is my bestest friend 'cos we're both a bit norty! Thanks for showing me the tree pics!

Alfie xx

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Isn't it funny how one little thing can make you go from cheerless to cheerful! We're glad the package arrived at the right moment, and the kitties certain;y seemed to love every bit of it!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I loved all those pictures today. Its so exciting to get packages. Loved the cute ones in the box and sat by the tree, all just lovely. The blanket is gorgeous, I see quite a few with these lovely blankies and think I must go see where they come from cause they are awesome.. Hugs GJ x

Glad your day got better....

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Amy and Kitties
How nice to get a package. What a wonderful blanket. Mom and I love your mini trees. Looks like the kitties do too.
Happy Thanksgiving from NC
Madi and Mom

The Island Cats said...

What a pawsome blanket Peggy sent you!

The Crew said...

It looks like everyone is enjoying the new treasure, including the box!

Peggy's Place said...

We are very happy you like your blankie. Mom feels all mushy inside when she makes other kitties happy.


Your a step ahead of me on my holiday
decorations!!! All the kitties look like they are enjoying your black
sparkly blanket and of course the
cool box is always the bestest toy!
Hope the rest of your day went better! Love those pastel trees in
a line, so festive!

Anonymous said...

Those hairy blankets look cool! We like the trees too. We don't get any decorations here because jane was bad last year and destroyed the tree....3 times.

Percy the Cat said...

Great photos!

And what a pawsome blankie!! It looks super snuggly, and perfect for snoozing on. :)

L. Alida said...

What a pretty blanket! Barney likes boxes just like my Cody and he holds his paper plate down like Cody does too! Cricket is very proud of him for being naughty up on the table where he shouldn't be. ;)
Your little trees are so pretty.
I hope you and the kitties have a happier week now. At least it's a short work week.
Hugs to you and the kits!

Debra Taylor said...

What a great blanket! They are so happy!

To anyone reading this - please visit my blog about a colony of abandoned/feral cats near my home. And you might decide to sign on as a follower to my blog since it has stories and information helpful for cat lovers everywhere.
Thank you,



Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We want a fuzzy furryish blankie too, and Baby wants that box bad! Your trees are so pretty.

Kaz's Cats said...

Cheeky little Barney! That blanket looks great and should be much appreciated when the weather gets a bit colder.


Gypsy & Tasha