Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fun Times!

So right now I have my loaner computer at home and it is pretty cool - I am trying to upload photos direct from the memory card so I don't have to worry about deleting them off the loaner when the new one arrives, so it is very full. I have been trying to get pictures of the cats in their Halloween costumes - they are not very cooperative so this may take a few attempts. Barney is the only one with a real "outfit" but he won't wear the head part that goes with it - he is not a hat guy. Floyd isn't either but he was best yesterday of them all. Kirzon wouldn't even come downstairs and Virgil hated it and flailed around the whole time. Lola sat pretty well but she hates the flash and always blinks. I don't know how all you cat models out there do it!

The other fun thing is that I got an early birthday present - a new lens for my camera! It is a micro lens (don't ask me why Nikon calls it a micro when everyone else calls it a macro - I have no idea) for closeup pictures. I am going to use it to take jewelry pictures but it will also be fun for close ups of the cats. I also got a light box but I don't think I will be able to get the cats to sit in there - it will be great for the jewelry though. Now I just need the lights to go with it!

The cats are doing good - I can't remember if I posted that I talked to the vet and Floyds tests were good - 6 more weeks til his next visit (6 is good - at one point it was 3 or 4). Virgil goes this weekend for his first annual checkup. Since it was his first home, he likes being there - it is the car he hates. And right now I have no way to hook up my iPod (still using a loaner car) so it is radio the whole way (I may make a couple of cd's to use).

We also had some excitement this morning because we had some work done on the alarm at home, so I was home a bit later than usual. The cats were all very curious - Virgil and Lola are brave and stayed down the whole time, the other three were cautiously down later on. The alarm testing made them a bit nervous so they came down where I was when it was on and just stayed. Barney stayed on the stairs, the rest came and sat on the couch. Virgil is the most nosey and kept investigating what was going on - looking at tools and paperwork and the installation guy. He has been known to try and steal tools so I made sure to let the installer know to check before he left. But I didn't see him try this time so I think it was ok. But it did make for a loud and exciting time for all the kitties this morning.

I should have some more pictures to post later on. Til then have a great day!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Lots of luck with the costumes. That is a wonderful early birthday present!

Danielle said...


I must be like you, Virgil, cause I go nuts on the car ride to the V-E-T. I screamed the whole way. :(

The Furry Kids said...

Awesome birthday present! So says The Mom. New lenses just means the pawparazzi is gonna be in your face even more. I just don't know why The Mom always says I'm crabby. heh heh


TwoSpecialWires said...

What a nice early birthday present! Between that and a new (?) computer, you're gonna be having a great time! And we get to enjoy the results!

Jake and Fergi xxoo