but I did manage to copy the files from the evil one to our backup storage so I won't loose anything when it finally decided to not start at all (I was lucky I had backed most of it up already - but the Moo and Baa and recent photos had to transfer).
Barney is doing well - back to his crazy kitten self. He is a little less snuggly at night - less sitting on my face. Which is good because he is a big boy - he was over 6 lbs when he went in for the neutering (after he probably dropped to 5 1/2 - ha ha). But other than that he is pretty normal (as normal as he was before). He found a new fun place to hide yesterday - a box inside another box, which kind of hides him because the interior box is on its side. He loves that place now.
I have been keeping him with me at night - partly to keep him from wrestling with the others and partly because, well, I am overprotective. But tonight will be the last night for that I think. Well, maybe. We have the little litter box in the room and some crunchy food and water, so he is ok to stay in with me at night.
Other than that not much is up with the cats. Kirzon still has his antibiotics which he hates, Floyd and Lola are heading to the vet on 10/3 - Floyd for his normal blood test and Lola for he annual check up. Oh, and I have to admit I am bad - I didn't look at the reminder card (assuming it was just for Lola, which I expected) and I was cleaning yesterday and saw it and it says Virgil is due for his too - so I will set it up for the week after while we are there on 10/3. I would try to take all 3 cats but Brad is taking a class on Saturdays so I won't have help - and two will be enough for me. I thought about this week but honestly I need a break this weekend.
I am going to try (fingers crossed) and post some pictures tonight if the computer cooperates. It runs for a while and I have more file stuff to do, but hopefully I can do the pictures today and then the files tomorrow.
Did you have any pee issues while Barney was gone? Just wondering.
Glad to hear that Barney is doing so well. Boy, you must have some big vet bills with all those kitties to take to appointments!
We were thinking the same thing as Angel and Kirby! Hope your 'puter issues end soon!
Sounds likes there's lots going on at your house!
Glad Barney is back to his normal self!
Hope everything is back to normal soon. Both puter wise and kitty wise.. Hugs GJ x
Awww. There is NO problem with being over-protective! I think you're doing very good for Barney.
How old is he, now?
The population was a little over 490,000 in 2006.
I hope everyone settles down now that they have their meds and Barny had his hooha's removed. :) Toeshee has always been the one to pick fights at night. When he was little he was a terror! He had to go in the upstairs bathroom to sleep at night just so the other cats could catch a break.
We just got a new modem, so hopefully I won't be getting kicked offline any more. I hope your new computer comes soon!
Happy Fall Equinox!
You broke record times with that guess. :P
We are very glad that Barney is doing better and we hope you get some wellness for your computer soon too.
Glad Barney is settling back in and found a good place to hide. We try to bring our kitties to the vet two at a time spreadout through the year. That way they always have a buddy with them (and with nine cats it's good the expense is spread out too).
~Lisa Co9T
Good lukhk!
Hope you are up and running soon!
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Thanks for stopping by. We are trying and trying to add a Kitties and Such to our bloglists, and blogger isn't cooperating. So right now you are in the midst of a pack of doggies, but we'll do our best to protect you!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Its OK about the feetsball team. It is just a game.
Glad to hear still good news about Barney. You have your hands full over there! Can't wait for more cute pictures. :)
Hidey holes are so important. I closed off one Annie had been using (not safe for kittens) and behavior problems ensued. Thank heaven she's found a new one!
Glad to hear the B is doing well! Fingers crossed on that 'puter!
I feel your pain. Good luck, friend.
Good to hear Barney is doing well.
We're glad Barney-bum is OK 'cos we really love him. We like it that he's got charater (for that read "a bit norty").
We are happy to hear that Barney is on the mend. He has such a great name!:) I also don't think it's a bad thing to be over-protective when the kitties are feeling a bit fragile. Much better than being under-protective, in my humble opinion:)
It's me again. There's one new LOL of Barney on the LOLSpot for Tuesday.
This is my first visit here so looking forward to meeting all the cats in the house. Glad to hear Barney is all right. There are 20 us here.
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