Since it has been quite a long time since we have been active, we are going to be Under Construction for a while - trying new fonts, designs, and updating our sidebar stuff. Hopefully we will get it how we like it soon so it won't change too much!

Also - Can someone tell me how to get rid of the giant gap below this notice - I cannot figure out how to do it - thanks!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I think I jinxed myself on Friday

So Lola is headed to the vet this afternoon - there is something up with her and I am not sure what. She doesn't want to get up, and when she does she is tentative walking with her front left paw. She has been staying upstairs a lot and I hadn't seen her go to the litter box, so I brought her down and in there - she just got out and immediately laid down (and there is litter that was tossed out on that floor so she really didn't want to walk). I didn't notice the paw at first, so I thought she could have the gassy problem again, but when she had that she didn't eat, and when I brought her dinner she pigged out. It seemed when she went upstairs the second time she was very tentative - still didn't look like any specific paw though. She was slow but when she was gassy last time she was like that too. But then I noticed that when she laid down, she didn't seem to put her paw down all the way. And when she laid on her side (the left side) she kept it in the air a bit. Like I said, she ate all her food, so I wonder if she hurt her paw or something. She was crabby last night, but that isn't really that different from her normal demeanor - and when I tried to look at her paw she got mad, but then I tried with the other and her back legs and got the same reaction, so who knows. Of all the cats, she is the laziest - she will stay in bed at breakfast if she is comfy, so it doesn't seem that odd, but then when she laid in the laundry room by the litter I knew something was up. She is fine when she is laying down, and she is moving around a little but I am just concerned that I have not seen her in the litter at all (I suppose I could have just missed it but Sunday I didn't see her go downstairs - I guess she could have used the little one that is upstairs but it doesn't look like she did). I actually noticed it while I was posting yesterday which is why I didn't get as much text in as I wanted, and the pictures were out of order - you can see it a bit in the pictures too. I am trying to let her rest, and she seemed better this morning (at least less crabby) and I brought her breakfast and she at a ton, so she isn't not eating at least. I will let you know what we hear.

Wow, this is totally rambling. I hope it made sense. Anyway, I will have more Moo & Baa later and an update on Lola.


Anonymous said...

Oh Nose!!! Poor Lola! We hope her toesies start to feel better. Maybe she slipped and sprained her foot/leg? Hope she is back to her normal crabby self in no time!!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We hope Lola is OK. Sending purrs and head butts.

Mishkat said...

We're really sorry to hear that Lola isn't feeling well! We're sending her many purrs, and hope she doesn't have to go to the V.E.T.

P.S. We loved the Moo and Baa photos! And we have a Casbah Kitten jellybean and it's one of our favorite toys (Rita and the girls threw it in for free, and of course, we liked better than the toys our mom actually paid for!)

SeaThreePeeO said...

Oh dear! We're purring that Lola feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

Poor Lola! I hope your vet finds out what's wrong and can fix it soon!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed it isn't something too serious...


Miz Robyn said...

Oh, poor Lola! Fingers (and paws!) crossed that all turns out okay - and I'm sure it will!

Jasmim said...

oh no ! Poor Lola =(
We're purring and praying for Lola!

Reese =^..^= said...

Poor Lola is really have a time of it. Please let us know what the vet says.

Anonymous said...

Poor Lola! We hate that she has to go to the VET but hope that they can help her to get well. We're sending her purrs!

jane & Alice

Misha said...

We're purring for Lola that it isn't anything serious that involves needles!

The Creek Cats said...

Sending sweet Lola lots and lots of healing vibes!

Noll's Nip said...

Here's purring you feel better soon Lola.

CATS 4 MEOWS said...

Ohhh, Lola! I hope your vet finds isn't anything serious and fix it soon!
Lots of purrrrsss.